"Harry I swear if you do not put Jeffery down I'm going to smack you so hard you'll age 50 years." My brother currently had one of my squirrel friends by its tail while he laid comfortably on a tree trunk.

"Oh please Lauren calm down it is just a squirrel." He laughed and pretended to drop Jeffery, giving me a mini heart attack. I hate that my brother uses my love for squirrels against me.

"Mate I think it would be wise to just listen to Lauren before you get your ass kicked again."

"Thank you Niall. At least one of you boys has some common sense. Now Harry I'm going to go up there and knock you out if you don't put him down. Come on you're scaring him!" The poor squirrel was shaking frantically in my brothers grasp. "That's it." I jumped and trying to grab Jeffery but I was to slow, with a couple more failed attempts I thought of a different approach. Then I got a brilliant idea. In one swift movement I kicked the tree, causing Harry to fall and release Jeffery. I saved my friend and let him run free. Then of course I chased after my brother.

"You should have listened to your sister dude, but good thing you didn't because this is really entertaining." Alexa said.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Harry yelled over and over again.

"Apology not accepted you asshole!" I tackled him on the floor and started lightly smacking his cheeks.

"Stop hitting my face." We both laughed at that and got off the floor. "So what do you guys want to do today?"

Alexa raised her hand. "I know. Why don't we finally meet your sister's girlfriend?" Camila and I have been absolutely great these last few weeks with little to no drama at school. I have yet to ask her to be my girlfriend because I don't want to rush anything, a lot has happened these past few weeks and I just became a part of her life. The golden question can wait right now.

"I've told you guys she's not my girlfriend and I don't know yet."

"I seriously don't know what you're waiting for Laur. You finally got your dream girl at yet you still haven't put a ring on it." Niall said.

"Listen it's not like I don't want her to be my girlfriend I just don't want to rush anything. Plus she is still processing all of this so I want to give her some time." I said while laying down on the grass with everyone else.

"We understand. Now is that a yes on letting us meet Camila?" Alexa asked.

"Yeah Lauren it would be cool to finally meet the girl you blabber on about every second of the day." Niall chimed in.

"Yeah sis introduce her to us it would be nice to meet my future sister-in-law." I flicked Harry's ear and he just laughed. It wouldn't be that bad if Camila met my brother and friends right?

"Okay fine I'll bring her." They all cheered. I hope this goes well.

I carried Camila's textbooks as we walked to her locker, a little ritual we do every morning.

"I will never understand why you bring all these textbooks home with you everyday." I said as I placed them in her locker.

"I read the chapter that our teacher covers in class so I could retain the information better, and I have homework in some of them. I want to make sure I know what I'm doing so I don't fall behind." She had her back towards me while she organized some notes for first period. Gosh she is so adorable. While I waited for her to gather her material I took this time to check her out. The Latina had on high waisted black skinny jeans paired with a cute white long sleeved crop top that showed a little bit of her stomach, and her signature black converse. I couldn't tare my eyes off her beautiful, cute self, I even lifted up my shades. She turned around and raised her eyebrow as to why I was staring at her like that.

My Protector (Camren)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें