I grinned at the message. Transformers was a film that was a guilty pleasure of everyone.

Quickly, I glanced at the two brothers in front of me. “Coming to see Transformers 3 with me and Grace?” I inquired, wanting to text her back as soon as possible.

Instantly, Matt was nodding. “Hell yeah.” He agreed. “I love Transformers! I’m going to miss Megan Fox though…” He trailed off, his eyes glazing over with easily identifiable lust.

Immediately Jord was nodding. I assumed he was answering my question, but I soon realised otherwise. “I know, right? Megan Fox was the best thing about Transformers.”

I gaped at him incredulously. “I’m not sure I want you to come watch Transformers.” I muttered, miffed.

Jord just grinned at me, sensing the clear jealousy. “She’s nothing compared to you, babe.” He accompanied the cheesy phrase with a wink, making me blush unnecessarily.

“Yeah, right.” I muttered, lowering my head.

Jord chuckled. “Come on, even as a girl you’ve got to admit that she’s something nice to look at.”

I just gave him a flat look in answer to his question.

“Well, then put it this way. You’ve been watching the Australian open the last couple of weeks. Can you honestly say that the only reason you’ve been watching that isn’t because you find Rafael Nadal hot?”

This time it was my turn to grin cheekily. “He’s something nice to look at.” I used his words. “I mean, look at those biceps.”

It was safe to say that Rafael Nadal was the only reason I watched any form tennis.

As soon as I’d mentioned the word biceps, Jord had his own arm out. He flexed his muscle, showing off as it twitched attractively. “I have nice biceps.” He defended himself smugly.

I had to admit that he was right, but still, they were nothing compared to Nadal’s. “Well…” I considered, making the most of it and prodding his exposed arm thoughtfully, biting my lips as he flexed again. “I suppose they’re okay.” I finally allowed him, smothering a snigger and his offended expression. “But Nadal has a nice arse as well, I’m afraid you just don’t even compare in that department.”

“Are you trying to make me get my bum out?” Jord teased, raising a taunting eyebrow at me.

“Well, I can’t say I’d be complaining.”

A tortured groan came from the sofa opposite us as Matt buried his head in his hands. “Enough!” He complained. “I don’t think I can deal with your flirting any longer.”

Jord and I shared a grin and he opened his mouth, fully ready to make another cheeky comment to continue Matt’s torment, but he was interrupted before he even got time to speak.

“Don’t do it!” Matt cried, before suddenly appearing confused. “How come you didn’t deny it?” He asked, puzzled.

I looked at him, lost. “Huh?”

“The flirting thing.” He clarified, still leaving me baffled. When he realised that I still wasn’t with it, he gave me an exasperated look. “Normally you’d deny the fact that you were flirting to the hilt, but you just accepted it that time. It was weird.”

He gave me a suspicious surveying, whilst I just laughed uncomfortably. I knew exactly what he meant and I knew exactly why. It was because we’d become more comfortable around each other. There was none of the ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ attitude between us, none of the knowledge that we knew we were pushing our boundaries, anymore. We had accepted the fact we were together, so with that had come the acceptance of the natural way we acted around each other.

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