Chapter 4 One Sexy Alpha Male Coming Right Up (Reese POV)

Start from the beginning

“Am I missing something?” She furrows her brows in confusion. I silently pray Luke doesn’t tell her. Today’s incident gave me enough embarrassment to last a lifetime.

“It’s nothing,” he says, shaking his head, still grinning. “You had to be there.”

“Gotcha,” she says, before closing the menu to put it away.

After Luke and Lauren place their orders I run over to check on the rest of my tables, dropping another Bud Light to the Packers guy at table 101. “What kind of jeans are those?” the guy asks.

“Excuse me?”

He makes a circle motion with his finger and says, “Turn around and let me see your pockets.” He grins, and I’m a little grossed out by his abnormally yellow teeth.

“They’re nothing special,” I say, tilting my head. “I’m sorry, I’m a little confused by what you’re asking me.”

“Well, let me clarify then. I want to get a good, long look at your ass,” he slurs as his hooded eyes begin to undress me.

My blood boils at the way his stare is making me feel, and I have a hard time keeping my composure. I mentally prepare to lean in close and make my point clear. “That was your one chance,” I say, narrowing my eyes, looking straight into his.

I turn around and walk away, hearing one of his friends ask, “What’d she say?”

Then another male voice says, “Dude, I think I know her from somewhere.”


“Would you rather the raven-haired guy with the black button down shirt at table 101, or the guy sitting with the girl at 117?” Robert asks as I watch him ring up an order on the computer. I glance at table 101, which is my high-top filled with the belligerents. The guy with the button down shirt is the most attractive in the group, but there’s no comparison to the handsome man at 117, who just so happens to be Luke.

“Who would you pick?” I ask him.

“You first.”

“No, you first.”

“There’s no question,” he grins. “Definitely the GQ at 117.” Without being obvious, I glance over at Luke while he intently listens to Lauren engage him in conversation. They’re not holding hands, and their body language wouldn’t tell you whether they’re romantically involved. Before I tell Robert I agree, the Packers guy shouts for me.

 “Hey pretty little thing, I need another beer!” He has that look on his face people get when they’re really drunk and their eyes can’t focus. I turn to Robert and mumble through my teeth.

“That guy seriously has a death wish.” I try to avoid eye contact with the creep and look at his friends as I walk back to their table.

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