Chapter 4 One Sexy Alpha Male Coming Right Up (Reese POV)

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Chapter 4 Reese

 “You’re in cocktail tonight,” Jessica, the hostess, says, standing at the podium right in front of the entrance. This is where they’ve put me for the past couple months, sharing tables with my handsome friend, Robert. He trained me as a waitress when I first got hired and we’ve been close ever since.

“Cool.” I smile, happy with where they put me. “Is Robert working?”

“Yeah, he’s around here somewhere.” She turns at the waist, glancing behind her before saying under her breath, “looking about as fine as he possibly can.” She runs her fingers through her hair like she’s looking for split ends.

“Doesn’t he always?” I ask, shaking my head, not waiting for a response as I head toward the kitchen. I reach the front line and see Robert leaning against it, finishing up a basket full of chips. “There he is.” I smile, stretching my arms out to give him a hug.

“Hey gorgeous.” He squeezes me tightly, nuzzling my neck before letting go. “Mmm, you smell good.”

“You smell pretty good yourself.”

“You know it.” His blue eyes sparkle as he gives me a wide smile, flashing celebrity white teeth.

I stare at him for a minute, taking in the perfect features of his face then ask, “Can you tell me why it is that all the good guys are gay?”

He laughs, placing his hands on my shoulders. “What ever do you mean?”

“I’m serious! You’re good looking, smart, sweet—you’re just an all around great guy.”

“Stop it! You’re making me blush,” he teases.


“You know it’s true.” I playfully swat him on the hip. “You working another double today?”

“Yeah, I didn’t make anything during the lunch shift.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, sticking my bottom lip out in a pout. “They have you in cocktail, right?”

“You and me both, sister.”

 A few hours roll by, and Robert and I are slammed with customers. Most of my tables are filled with rowdy college boys who are getting drunker and drunker by the minute. An impatient customer with a Packers hat and jacked up teeth shouts for another round of beer. Judging by the creepy looks I’ve been getting the past hour—the kind that make my skin crawl—I’m beginning to think he’s reached his limit. I glance at Robert’s tables to see if he could use my help and spot a pretty blonde girl, probably close to my age, sitting at a small booth in the corner. She has the cutest hairstyle I’ve ever seen, so I head over to ask her where she gets it done. I’ve always been in to trendy hair, especially since I’m unhappy with my own. “I love your hair,” I say enthusiastically, leaning my hip against the wall, taking a quick break.

She looks up at me with a genuine smile, and her pretty eyes twinkle. “Thank you. That’s so sweet,” she says, gently placing her hand on my arm.

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