6| Crashing Night Waves

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." I say wrapping the towel around me tighter and looking down at my blood drenched leg, trying my best not to wince at the sight. As if we were thinking the same, I look over and see Nate already had bandages and everything prepared, and he was now gently wiping the blood off my leg. After he gets nearly all of it off, he starts applying gauze to my cuts.

"Goddamn reef" he says carefully placing the gauze, cutting off the bleeding source. "It's my fault... I shouldn'tve suggested to go this late... You can never see the reef and..."

"Nate, it's okay, it happens." I say placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Holy shit he's ripped as hell.

FOCUS SAVANNAH. I quickly take my hand off his shoulder.


Well no doubt he's hot

But he can't go around thinking he's the shit all the time.

His eyes move from my now bandaged and wrapped leg to my hand, and he inhales deeply, then looks at me, his eyes seem to sparkle in the moonlight more than they ever did before.
"I shouldn'tve let it happen though." He says, now moving slightly inward closer to me, getting a better look at me, as his eyes trail all over, deep in thought. I can't help but notice the tension between us and the way my heartbeat starts to pick up rapidly.


"It could've been much worse!" He says touching my cheek and scanning my face. I blush at the gesture and touch my hand to his on my face then frown at a sudden realization I have, and I take his hand off and place it to his chest.

"I don't think Kayla would be okay with us... Hanging out like this..." I say looking out at the small waves crashing in on the shore.

There's a long pause.

I start to gather my things and try to get up but he grabs my wrist, stopping me.

"Can I trust you golden girl?" He says with a mischievous yet somewhat serious look on his face. This surprises me but then I think about what he had done for me, I think I can maybe trust him, so I guess he could trust me.

"What is it..." I say turning away from the ocean and looking back to face him.

"Kayla and I... " he makes a disgusted look on his face, like it pained him to say it. Then he turns back to look out at the water again with a slight smile on his face. "It's just for show."

"Wait...what?" I say, actually confused at what he's saying. Somewhat relieved, and somewhat angry.

"Our 'relationship' is just for press. By having the top surfers for our age group right now dating we're attracting more fans and press than ever before. It wasn't my idea in the first place... I was actually repulsed by the idea of having to be around that bitchy blonde all the time but my manager wouldn't have it any other way." He says somewhat casually as he reaches around behind him.

"Oh." I say, stunned, excited, and confused all at the same time. Nate turns around to face me with a folder which he hands to me. He has a wide grin on his face and he nods at the folder.

"Open it."

What in the world...

"What's this..." I say slowly opening up the folder to see lots of papers full of information on upcoming surfing competitions."

"Savannah, I know you said you don't compete anymore... But I think you should consider it... Since...well..." I sense his stubbornness in not wanting to actually compliment me and I smile up at him in amusement.

"Well what?" I ask as I start to untangle my extremely long brown hair and twirl it through my fingers with a smirk on my face.

"Well... You may have...some skill... Well you have...potential" I roll my eyes at him. "And someone needs to show Kayla what a real surfer looks like." I blush, knowing he hadn't meant to compliment me in that way but it had affected me nevertheless.

"Well that's true, I mean obviously you can't show her so someone's got to." I say with a smirk as I look back out to the water and he nudges me lightly with his arm with a small chuckle.

"Damn you're a tough one." He says with an amused half smile half smirk.

Good lord.

"Why did you ask me to come here tonight?" I say looking bringing my knee up close to me and rubbing the spot on my ankle where my leash goes around, it was red and stingy still.

"Maybe I just wanted to show you up with my mad skills." He says with a wink.

"Hmm well clearly it'd have to be something else considering you failed on that part." I say looking back at him.

He looks into my eyes and my heart races, caught in his gaze. Mesmerized. "Clearly you have questionable judgement golden girl."


"I what?" He says as he pushes strands of hair out of my face, then starts to lean in closer to me, still smelling like old spice and coconut, making him even more appealing. My heart beat quickens and his lips are suddenly a centimeter apart from mine when we're interrupted by a voice.

"Savannah?" I turn away from Nate and look out towards the beach to see a confused looking Zac looking over at me, holding his board, then looking over to Nate and his eyes seem to go black. He walks up to where we are, and I'm now standing and holding my board, trying to disengage myself from what just happened.

"Nathaniel Carter." Zav says with a disgusted look on his face.

"Always a pleasure Zac." Nate says through gritted teeth. Now I'm extremely confused.

"Wait... You two know each other?"

Zac doesn't take his angered gaze off of Nate, but instead lets his anger grow even bigger.

"Savannah, meet my step brother."

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