4. Fluff

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                                        © AJD 2013 All Rights Reserved 

F O U R: Fluff

        "Ewwww!" Carmella shrieked. 

        Daniel spun around in time to see his fourteen year old sister leaning dramatically against the doorframe, her hands shielding her innocent eyes, while pretending she'd triggered her gag reflex. 

        Daniel rolled his eyes, pulling off his red boxers and whipping them in her direction. It landed on her face and she shrieked before shaking it off and shrieking some more. Daniel flinched at the sound, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smug grin. 

        "You're so gross!" Carmella cried, still shielding her eyes. "I can't believe you did that!" 

        He stuck his tongue out at her. "It's your fault for barging into my room," he said, pulling on his sweatpants. 

        "You're the one," Carmella started, lifting his red boxers up from off the floor with the very tip of her index finger before flinging it at Daniel, "who forgot to close your door!" He caught it mid-air, and made a motion of balling it up and whipping it back at her. Carmella squealed.

        "Mom!" she cried. "Daniel's whipping his boxers at me!" Daniel threw them at her again, but she ducked just in time for them to land, instead, on Maggy's head.

        Daniel paused, wide-eyed, before holding in his stomach and falling to the ground in a fit of laughter. His four year old sister held an expression on her face mixed between confusion and absolute fear while his boxer perched upon her head in a heap. With a pained expression, he willed himself to sit up and coaxed his baby sister forward. He couldn't hide the smile that manifested on his face.

        "Mo-" Carmela shouted, but interrupted herself mid-shout and spun around to see her brother dying of laughter on his bedroom floor and her sister looking down on him in confusion. "Oh my god, let me get a camera. Wait-" she said, before running into her room and returning with her phone in hand. "Mom, come here!"

        Forgetting their argument, Carmella started snapping photographs of Maggy sporting Daniel's pair of red boxers as a new hat before their mother rushed up the stairs, alarmed by the screams of her children.

        "What is all the noise abou-" she interrupted herself, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "Oh my-Daniel!" she scolded, trying to hold in her own laughter.

        Daniel laughed laughed even harder falling on his sides while Maggy silently watched, on the verge of tears.

        "It's not funny!" their mother taunted, trying to sound serious but unable to hide the smile the crept on their face. She pulled the boxers off Maggy's head and flicked them at Daniel, still scolding through a grin, "Naughty!"

        Daniel bit his lip to keep from laughing, and pulled Maggy into a bear hug. "I'm sorry, Maggs," he cooed, looking up at his mother shaking her head. "You forgive me, right?"

        Daniel sat on the hardwood floor, his eyes levelled with those of his youngest sister. "I-I don't know what happened," Maggy stuttered her big eyes growing wider.

        He tried to keep a straight expression but he couldn't handle the cuteness emanating from Maggy's baby aura. He let out a growl through pursed lips and boomed. "Ack! Why are you so cute?" he cooed, squealing like a fan girl. Pulling her into another bear hug he fell back, cradling the toddler in his arms. "I wuv you," he cooed some more, tickling her behind her ears and around her neck.

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