8. Clash

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  © AJD 2013 All Rights Reserved

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E I G H T: Clash

        "Is your phone okay?" Amy asked, glancing at Kathryn while simultaneously rummaging through her closet for a change of clothes.

        Kathryn, who sat by the foot of Amy's four poster bed, looked down at the phone she had forgotten was clamped between her fingers. It had created dents in her skin from where she held too tightly. She had been too distracted by Daniel's sudden appearance that she had forgotten to panic about whether her drowned phone - her last living (probably dead) source of blog updates - was salvageable.

        She examined the piece of plastic in her hands, unbelieving of the fact that the dead alien device was, in fact, the same phone she'd once held as a sort of life support. Kathryn never turned off her phone. Ever. And now, here it was, lying in her hands like a cold wet sacrifice. Game over.

        Kathryn should have been furious she'd forgotten. She should have questioned how easily Daniel managed to distract her from her priorities. She should have broken down and cried. She should have at least done something to revive the device somehow. But instead, all she did was blink at the thing, wondering how her luck could have been so untimely horrible. Her phone was dead; there was no more denying it. She'd spent too much time under water that it had already seeped in through every crevice in the phone's plastic body. Her hopes of ever properly updating her blog again were suddenly microscopic.

        When Kathryn didn't respond to Amy's question, she placed a shirt and a pair of yoga pants on her lap. "I'm guessing not good, huh?"

        Kathryn shook her head, not removing her eyes from her phone.

        Amy put her hand on Kathryn's shoulder and sighed. "I'll go get your brother. For now change into those clothes, alright?" She spun around and headed towards the door, passing Daniel and tossing joggers and a tee his way. "You change into these."

        Daniel eyed the clothes in his arms, noticing the tear in the hem off the shirt and wondering how such a feminine girl like Amy could ever own such rugged clothes.

        "They were my ex-boyfriend's," she said when she noticed Daniel's questioning look. "I hadn't even realized I still had them."

        "Right," Daniel said. "Thanks."

        Amy was a step away from the door frame before she turned to look at Daniel and then back at Kathryn who still hadn't removed her gaze from her phone. "Cut her some slack, okay? I think she's had a rough day."

        "I know," Daniel said, remembering how he'd basically initiated the fall that probably destroyed her laptop. "Go get her brother. Sean and I will take care of things here."

        "Okay," Amy smiled, turning to leave before turning back, again, to glare at the two boys. "And I should ask what the hell you two are even doing here in the first place," she squinted at the duo. "But you saved Kathryn so I guess I can't complain."

        They offered sly grins, forgetting for a split second they were here to crash a party, before she finally spun around and disappeared around the corner of the door frame.

        "So," Sean whispered, breaking the silence. "What are we going to do about her?" he asked, referring to the depressed girl soaking up the mattress in the corner of the room.

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