3. Whipped

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                                       © AJD 2013 All Rights Reserved

T H R E E: Whipped

        Kathryn scrolled through the site, growing agitated when the the mouse froze for the umpteenth time in the 30 minutes since she'd gotten home. She attacked the scroll wheel with her index finger. Her simple attempt to post a text post update about her laptop mishap was proving to be an impossible feat, what with the incessant lag.

        She attacked the scroll wheel on her mouse, before transferring her anger to the ancient family computer they had. Its thicking yellow white frame and convex glass screen mocked her desperation. She had vowed that she'd never resort to using the dinosaur desktop when she first got her laptop, but here she was, practically begging the thing to co-operate with her.

        Fed up and impatient, Kathryn aggressively shut off the computer. She groaned before whipping out her phone and opening her Tumblr app. With a sigh, she typed:

        "URGENT: Hello! There will be no Ivan updates today until... I have no idea. I've encountered a temporary technical difficulty. This problem has never before occurred in my 4 years of running this blog, and I assure you I'm doing my best to fix it. Please understand. I'll keep you posted! Visit the official Ivan Lacson Twitter page and fanpage for regular updates! - Kacy"

        Kathryn sighed. She had never needed to leave an urgent text post alert on her blog before today. Her finger hovered over the post button before she quickly clicked it with a huff. 

        Cue the inbox spam, she thought. 

        Kathryn's Ivan Lacson fan blog was one of the first sites made revolving around the rising star, so it was only fair that it be one of the most visited fanblogs - even exceeding the popularity of his official fansite which was created a year after, when he made his big debut. She'd made it not too long after she came across his YouTube video cover of the Kings of Leon's Use Somebody. His video barely had over 300 views at the time. The second she'd heard his voice, she knew it was a voice worth idolizing, and she did just that. 

        She definitely gained more attention than she'd ever expected she would. For 4 years, on a daily basis, she posted photoshopped graphics of him, photosets of fan-taken images, gifsets of his music videos and fantaken videos, updates she encountered online, and fan fiction drabbles featuring him. She was practically affiliated with his official fansite; she was often directly messaged by them with information regarding upcoming promotions and releases. 

        Under the use of her screen name 'Kacy', Kathryn was untouchable.

        Her phone vibrated in her hands, and she jumped, not realizing she'd zoned out. The fisheye image of her best friend's face appeared on her screen. She smiled, swiping right to answer.

        "Hey, Lei," Kathryn spoke, "What's up?"

        "Are you roaming?" she asked, concerned.

        Kathryn's brow furrowed. "Uh," she thought. "Roaming?"

        "The call, Kat," she breathed. Kathryn knew she was grinning at her confusion. "Roaming charges?"

        "Oh, that!" she laughed, leaning back in the computer chair. "Yeah, pretty sure long distance is covered. What's up?"

        "I just wanted to check up on you and your packing," she hummed. "Any progress?"

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