"Holy shit man are you alright?"

He opened his eyes and rubbed his head, revealing a cut across his forehead. "Yeah I'm fine..."

He tried to stand up but fell back down, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"No you're not... we gotta get you to the hospital" I pulled him up and wrapped his arm around me, dragging him up the hill.

He barely could speak, but got out a few muttered words. "No... We'll get in trouble"

Shit. I totally forgot that we both had alcohol in our system.

"Don't worry, I'll figure it out..."

I looked around and there was a small clearing at the top of the hill that led to the street. Trying to avoid the remaining cops in the woods, we snuck through a group of large bushes, finally reaching the street. Somehow I was all the way down the block from where my red jeep was parked. With Jay still wrapped around my arm, we ran down to it as fast as our weight allowed. He was passed out and the blood was running down his head. I reached my car and pushed Jay in to the passenger seat.

"Fuck" I said aloud.

Where was Maya? I couldn't leave her here, but I had to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. Without a choice I hopped in to the car and started it up. Just as I was about to pull away I saw Maya and Will run out from the front door along with about 5 other people, and a cop chasing behind them. They all split up and Maya and Will came towards my car, the cop following the others.

"Cooper wait for us!" She screamed, leading Will along with her.

"Hurry up!" I said, clearing a space for them in the back.

They hopped in and I sped off, leaving that trouble behind.

"Oh my God that was ridiculous" She said, out of breath.

She looked in the front seat and noticed Jay sitting passed out. "What the fuck is Angie's boyfriend doing in your car?!"

Frantically making turns and running stop signs I attempted to give an answer.

"He fell in the woods when he was running and now he's passed out and his head is bleeding. I have to get him help before something bad happens"

Will spoke up from the back. "Oh no... We can't take him to the hospital... We'll all get in trouble!"

"Well what the fuck do you guys want me to do?!"

I drove through a long tunnel and the echo of my speeding car blared in our ears from my completely open jeep.

Will pulled out his phone and began to dial a number. "My dad's a doctor... Just drive to my house and he'll take care of him"

"Wont you get in trouble?" Maya said, concerned about him.

"Let's just tell him we were all taking a walk and he tripped and hit his head... don't mention anything about the party"

I turned around and Will gave me directions to his house, which was luckily only 5 minutes away. He called his dad and told him it was an emergency and to be ready for us to get there.

I pulled in to Will's driveway and me and him carried Jay in to the house, Maya following. We set him down on to the couch and Will's dad started to take care of the now unconscious Jay.

"So he just tripped? Like nothing?"

"Yeah dad... we were walking around in the woods because we we're bored and he slipped on a rock"

"Yeah. Sure he did. Well I know you guys are lying to me but considering this kids hurt I'm not even going to worry about it."

He finished up the stiches he put in Jay's head and stood up. "He should be fine when he wakes up, he just got a little woozy when he lost all that blood. Nothing too serious. Now I'm gonna call his parents and tell them what happened. I think it's best if he stays here tonight. Now since he was with you guys, one of you can stay here and make sure he wakes up in an hour or so."

"I'll stay here with him' I said, wanting to be the one to explain to him what happened.

"Alright. I'll drive Maya home." Will said, grabbing his keys.

Maya walked over to me and hugged me. "Call me when he wakes up. I'll see you tomorrow"

The two walked outside and left and Will's dad returned from his phone call and walked back in to the living room. "His parents are worried but they agreed to let him stay here. Will should be back soon so feel free to watch whatever you want on TV. I'm gonna head up to bed, if there's any trouble let me know."

"Alright, thanks Mr. Fenty."


He walked upstairs and left me and the passed out Jay alone on the couch. I turned on the TV, but there was nothing interesting on at midnight.

I looked over at Jay. His jeans and black shoes were covered with dirt and his shirt and leather jacket were covered in a little bit of blood. He had 4 stiches in the top of his forehead and his short black hair was messed up. I didn't realize it but I too was covered in mud and a little bit of his blood from carrying him. Man. I don't even know him and here I am covered in his fucking blood. This is just how I wanted to spend my Friday night.

After about 20 minutes of pointless infomercials, I heard a deep breath from Jay. I quickly looked over at him as his eyes opened slowly.

"Where am I?" He muttered, confused. "Cooper? What's going on?"

I laughed under my breath. "You wouldn't even believe it man".

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