Until We Meet Again

Start from the beginning

"Are you saying that because the last time I was in the hospital I vanished in the middle of the night and plucked you out of your house in Paris to go and hunt down a secret spy organization?" I asked smirking.

"That might be part of the reason. I might also want to add that I lied before. I wouldn't have my bag packed in 5 minutes... it's already packed. And I might be able to get a plane ready for flight in under and hour with a single text message." He replied smiling. I laughed and shook my head.

"I might just take you up on the offer my friend. Let's see if I get this great epiphany in a couple hours, aye?" I said nodding at him.

"Let me know. I also have a box of our old passport and fake I.D's along with new ones. So... just know I'm prepared to leave at a moment's notice." He said before a knock interrupted us. He moved my finished food away from me.

"Come in." Jerry yelled. Reed peeked his head in before looking at both of us.

"Oh great two at once." Reed said before walking in.

"Hey Reed." I said smiling.

"What's up man?" Jerry said giving him a handshake.

"How are you Ela?" Reed asked giving me a concerned look.

"Alive. I'll be fine. Always am." I said shrugging.

"Great. I know you're strong. Anyways, I dropped by to say goodbye." He said looking down. "Mom wants me in D.C. and it's also kinda illegal to break out of a maximum security prison. But Agent Kingsley proved my innocence and is willing to vouch for me in front of the Supreme Court. So, I have to go settle some business and I have to take my finals so that I can graduate from high school and what not. I'll be back for your graduation though." He said smiling.

"Ok. Well I'll miss you while you're gone. Good luck while you're gone. I know everything will work out for you. The good guys always win." I said returning his warm smile.

"Yea, good luck man." Jerry added nodding.

"Well I have a flight to catch and a very emotional Jess to say bye to. So I will see you soon." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Bye Reed." Jerry and I said in unison before he walked out. I looked over at Jerry and raised my eyebrows.

"The Supreme Court?" I asked seriously.

"Be lucky you don't have to go in front of them as well. Reed refused to say who help him get him out of the prison and since you knocked out the security cameras they don't have any video proof." Jerry added.

"What about Adam? Didn't he tell?" I asked confused.

"He said masked guys came in and held a gun to his head. Couldn't make out the face." He replied.

"And Rick?" I asked.

"Same story." He replied simply. Wow. They had protected me. I held them hostage and yet they still protected me. I can't believe that. I shook my head in shock. My mother suddenly bursted in the room. Crying...

"Mom, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Mrs. White. What's wrong?" Jerry asked getting up to walk to her. He stopped midway when she shook her head.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is right. You're father was found. The Italian embassy. He's flying home. He's coming home." She said with a wide smile. My eyes widened to the size of golf balls.

"Wait what?" I asked in a mixture of pure shock and confusion.

"You're father is alive and he's coming home." She said letting out a squeal of joy. "There's so much I have to do. People to talk to. Business to handle. I just thought you should be the first to know. I have to go, but I'll be back soon. The next time I'll see you, you're dad will be here with me." She said kissing my forehead and dashing out of the room as suddenly as she had come in. The door slammed shut and I looked over at Jerry the same time he looked at me.

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