Chapter 1

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I stand by my window overlooking the jousting field. The green grass is blowing in the light breeze. 

The stables with a few horses are looking out to see what their sibling is up to on the field. lances are flying but none of then in pieces.

Prince Harold isn't breaking his lance. If he did then he would have won that practice match. I sit in front of my vanity and brush down my long brown hair to braid it. I look to my left on the vanity to see a gift sitting on the tabletop. It says "To Rose with love, happy sixteenth birthday."

My sixteenth birthday is coming up and it is going to be a disaster.

My parents are receiving letters from what seems like hundreds of kingdoms to be entered in the jousting tournament for my hand.

To all other princesses it is their dream to have a tournament like this for their hand. I wish that I could chose who I want to be with by spending time with them. And certainly not as a prize!

I angrily finish braiding my hair and get a hair ribbon. I have a letter in my hand to mock Harold with. I wrote that the White Knight was coming to joust in the tournament. The only thing that he doesn't know is that I'm the White Knight.

He, or I, is pretty famous across the kingdoms. I never enter in tournaments for princess's hand. I entered in this one so that when the tournament is over and I have won, I would reveal myself and demand my marriage to not be arranged.

I exit my room and walk down the sun-lit hallway until I come across a big tapestry with a beautifully sewn mountain scene on it. I pull on the side of it to reveal a door behind. I go through it. It is a shortcut outside and I walk down the torch lit staircase that the maids use. There is a small door at the bottom. I open it and walk behind the bush the get onto the field.

I walk across the field and put my hands on the fence.

Prince Harold came from the kingdom of Maolla and I'm from Ethiadia.

Harold runs on his horse to the dummy on a fake horse covered in armor and his lance slide off the side of the armor.

Harold throws his lance to the ground in frustration.

"WHY CANT I BREAK THE LANCE!" Harold screams as i am walking up to the fence.

"Hey! You know if you hit your opponent at the center of the chest the lance won't slide as quick so it will break!"

Harold looks over and walks on his horse to were I'm standing.

"Why would I take advice from some princess?" he said with a sneer.

"I know a lot more about jousting that you think. And if you're not careful buddy, I can tell my parents to get you out of the tournament."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes I would you jerk!"

"Um, did I mention that you are very pretty today?"

"Ugh! I guess you won't get to hear about the letter I got from a certain knight." I say as I hold the letter saying it is from the White Knight. 

I know that Harold is a huge fan of the white knight because I see him at all of my competitions.

"Wait a minute, your highness! That better not be a trick!"

"See for yourself. It is his handwriting."

Harold snatched the letter from me and read it. His eyes lit up. He was speechless.

Rose of EthiadiaWhere stories live. Discover now