Chapter 5

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I wake up to hear the birds chirping and to feel Tallulah shaking me.

I get up.

"Good you're awake."

I yawn.

I get up on my feet. Tallulah snaps a hairbrush in her hands.

I get on my clothes. My braid came out while I was asleep.

"Would you like a brush?"

"That would be nice."

Tallulah snaps a brush in my hands. I brush out my hair and put it in its braid.

I put the night gown on the chair by my bed.

I leave the room and see that everyone is sitting in the living room.

"Good morning Rose." Says Emerald trough her thumb, she is the youngest girl.

"Good morning." I say back to her.

Someone taps my shoulder.

"We are going to leave after we have a little breakfast." Says David, as I turn around.

I smile and nod.

Olivia, Sam's mother, comes in.

"Come everyone." She says.

Everyone floods into the dining room and sits in their places. We sit in the same places we did last night.

Tallulah isn't in her seat. A plate appears in front of everyone. Tallulah is probably helping.

On the plate are a biscuit and an egg. It smells great. Once all the plates appeared, we all started to eat.

We all finished quickly. The food was great. The biscuit tasted as good as the biscuits at the castle. The egg was great to; but the biscuit was the best part.

Tallulah makes the plates disappear into the kitchen.

I go to my room to gather my things.

My bag is sitting on my chair. Someone brought it here. I grab it and put in my night gown and brush that Tallulah gave me.

Tallulah already had her things so her side of the room is empty. I get back to the living room.

Everyone is sitting.

"Rose, where are you traveling to?" Sam asks.

I sit down next to Tallulah and set my bag down.

"We are going to the Sea Glass Mountains; to see the fairy godmothers."

I don't tell him the reason why we are going to see the fairy godmothers.

"That is a long trip. Would you like to ride my dragon?" Sam says.

"Is it safe to have more than one person one him?" I ask.

"He has blunt spikes on his back that we can put a saddle on. The whole family has been on his back before." Sam says.

"What about the horses?" David says.

"They will stay here until we come back." Sam answers.

"Come on let's just ride the dragon!" Tallulah says impatiently.

"Okay, it will be a lot faster." I say.

Tallulah smiles from ear to ear.

"We better be going." Sam says.

I get up the girls come up and hug my legs and waist.

"Bye Rose." The all said in unison. After they got off they went to Tallulah and did the same. The even did it with David.

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