"So what's new?" Cameron asked looking around the table. I smiled secretively and he narrowed his eyes at me.

Brianna spoke up before anyone else. "I'm due next month, but Nick won't let me watch the video to find out if it's a girl or a boy."

"I want it to be a surprise." He whined and she shook her head.

"If we have a boy after all the girl stuff we got I'm going to kill you." She glared whole heartedly at him. He gulped and nodded.

Andy cleared his throat. "I'm sherif now," he admits with a shrug. Andy had sort of became a father figure for me. He was the closest thing I had and was a great role-model. He even did me the favor of getting Graham on the force. Even though Andy's his boss Graham still loves him all the same. I think he noticed how much of a parental figure Andy is to me. Even though he's only about ten years older than me.

"Now not only is he my boss, but he's my bosses boss!" Graham exclaims.

"That's great, Andy." I laugh and he smiles at me.

"My turn!" Cameron says. "Me and Joni are going to the Bahamas. I need a vacation, but don't worry we'll be back before the baby is born." He says aloud then looks at Brianna.

Adrienne took this as her chance to talk. "Nothing new with me. I went on three dates and they all left within the first half an hour." She says shrugging. "Oh, I'm back for a long time! Until they send me away again. That won't be for a while though." She says with jazz hands. Oh wow.

I laugh at my best friend. I'm glad she's back. Also, you maybe be wondering what I do for a living. I'm a special effects makeup artist. I design the costumes and do the makeup you see in movies and television shows. The thing is that I love what I do. Now, I would tell my friends about the movie I'm working on but I've got something more important.

"So when's the date? I need to know so I can take off work or whatever." Adrienne asked and my eyes almost bulge out.

"We haven't planned it yet and no one else knows!" I snap at her and she mouths an apology. Everyone gives us weird glances, except Graham who had a knowing look.

"I thought we agreed to tell them as a group?" Graham's says with an eyebrow raised. I smiled sheepishly and he just smiles back, kissing me.

"What is going on?" An impatient Brianna shouts out. Graham's hand takes mine under the table and he lifts it up so people can see. I'm surprised no one noticed. I mean I never wear rings.

There are a bunch of gasps and a loud squeal. Brianna starts to cry. "My baby brother is growing up!" She says, using her hand to fan her eyes.

"I'm older than you," Graham says confused. She shh's him and he just laughs.

"I can't believe you're engaged!" Cameron says examining the ring. It was extremely beautiful. I loved it, and I loved it's meaning.

"It's about time!" Joni yells and we all laugh. All of my friends that are here congratulate me. Andy hugs me and I notice the tear that slid down his face. He really is amazing. He's like a real father. One of which I've never had. So I'm thankful.

As for Jay and that situation, he's dead and I killed him. That still haunts me. I couldn't believe I killed someone. Graham told me it had to be done. It just didn't feel right. Graham stood by me all the way though. Now we're getting married.

"I want you to help me with the wedding." I told Adrienne and she smiled hugging me tight.

"Of course I'll help," was her response.

"I also want you to be one of my maids of honor." I said and then that's when she squealed and crushed my bones with her arms.

I'm ecstatic. I have friends who I consider family and they love me. I have a job that I enjoy and I'm marrying the man of my dreams, who I love very much. I'm living the life!

"I got you something," Adrienne smirked as she handed me a bag. I expected boots or a cute dress but no. I put my hand down in the bag and pulled out some black and red laced lingerie. It was sexy, I'll admit.

Graham saw it and he smirked at me. Walking over and putting his arms around my waist. "Thanks," I say awkwardly to Adrienne who smirks even wider.

"Yeah, thanks Adrienne. That will be of use tonight." Graham adds, his voice sounding husky as he kisses my neck. My face feels like it's on fire and I already know my cheeks are red. Adrienne snickers and walks off.

Soon, it's just me and Graham in the house. I smile at him
I'm adoration as we lay on the couch. I'm snuggle up to him and he is kissing my head and cheeks. His dad had dropped by yesterday.

He had gotten ten years in prison. He was just released and he didn't have to serve his ten years. When he saw his pregnant daughter I'm sure you could imagine his face. He looked like a fire truck.

Everything was okay now. Everyone was okay. My dad never came back but I kept in touch with my Aunt P. She met Graham and took a liking to him. I don't know how you couldn't like Graham. As for Holly, she's in rehab. Last time I saw her she was leaving a bar with a man twice her age. I feel bad for he but at least she's getting help. Maybe she'll clean herself up and do good.

As I lay on the couch with my fiancé I felt a certain joy bubble over. I snuggled into his side. "Pick a date," I said randomly.

Graham looked as if he was thinking for a minute besides he answered. "November twentieth." I smiled and kissed his soft lips.

"We're getting married on November twentieth." I said aloud and he smiled down at me. My life is great!



This is it. It's over. There will not be a sequel. I'd love to write one but I wouldn't know where to start. Plus I'm working on other books.

Maybe I will see you soon on one of my other stories. Whenever I publish them, I hope you read them.

This is my first book and I've learned a lot. Thank you to whoever read my book and voted for my chapters. I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it. I loved the comments as well. I guess this is goodbye...for now.


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