Chapter 3

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I sat on the porch with my arms tightly crossed on my chest, It was spring but it was still a little chilly out. It was nine and my mom had left for work around eight but when she left she gave me a pitiful look as if to say 'I'm sorry'. Yeah my dad was late but I was used to it he always came eventually, at least he cared that much.

The tv was blaring from inside the house and I was sure we were bound to get a noise complaint. Once my mom left, my step dad threw me out the door along with my bags and told me to wait outside for my real dad because I was making him mad. He had the volume turned up so loud I'm surprised the state of Alaska didn't complain and we were in Ohio! The sounds of guns going off and yelling filled the streets, I had no clue what he was watching probably something about war.

After about twenty minutes a black Cadillac pulled up outside the house. The window rolled down and it was my dad. He climbed out, grabbed my bags and put them in the trunk as I slid in the passengers seat. "New car?" I asked in attempt to make conversation. These talks were always awkward.

"Yeah do you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah it's comfortable as well as classy," I responded.

"Look I'm sorry about being late I honestly just lost track of time" he said looking a little guilty.

His blue eyes filled with guilt, I couldn't help but cave. "It's okay I understand," I said with a smile. I couldn't help but notice all the guilt fall out of his eyes as soon as the words escaped my mouth.

"I have a surprise for you when we get back to my apartment," he said excitedly.

"What is it? Can I have a hint?" I bombarded him with a ton of questions until we finally reached the apartment complex in Cleveland.

I opened the door but nothing was there I turned around with a confused look on my face and he followed me in the door. I then shut it and behind the door was my surprise."Aunt P!" I shrieked.

"Hey," she said back with a smile on her gorgeous face. She looked a little different from the last time I saw her, now she had dark brown hair with an inverted bob style.

"It been so long!" I exasperated wrapping my arms around her neck. She was about my height and I was short.

She chuckled hugging me back tightly. I looked over and my dad was standing in the kitchen watching us through the pass-through with a small smile gracing his lips.

"How'd you get in here? You don't have a key and there was no one in here to let you in." He asked giving his sister a knowing look.

"I have my ways," she did with a smirk before turning to me. "You better get some sleep, we're going shopping tomorrow!" She yelled excitedly.


I slept for what seemed like a couple hours before a hand shook me awake.
"Morning," the soft voice said.

"Morning," I mumbled back. "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my tired eyes and looking at my blurry aunt who was slowly becoming clear.

"Uhh maybe five or five thirty," she trailed off. It was then that I realized it was still dark outside, well as dark as Cleveland gets.

I looked at her in disbelief and moved my head in small circles while scrunching up my face. She began laughing at me and motioned me to the restroom.

I took a shower, dried my hair, got dressed, and did my makeup lightly within an hour. I was wearing my black, ripped jeans and my white and black jersey shirt with the number 19 on the front in red, then I paired the outfit with my black and white converse. Which just so happened to be the only pair I brought.

After both my aunt and I were ready we quietly slipped out the door of the apartment leaving my snoring dad asleep on the couch.

We drove for a good amount of time but it only felt like an hour or so because we were jamming out to the radio. Rock, pop, etc...

"Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to here an exchanging of words." The lyrics blasted through the speakers as we sang along and I drummed my fingers on the dash-board.

We parked in a parking lot outside of a store and slipped in the doors. After a couple hours my feet began to hurt and we weren't even close to being done. She dragged me into Victoria's Secret and we bought a couple bras and two hoodies. Mine was black and hers was white but they had the same design.

I missed having my aunt around she was one of the only people I trust and she treated me like I was equal, not a punching bag or anything of the such. My mom was the same way and they still hung out sometimes even though my mom and dad weren't together.

I sighed dropping the bags at my feet and then breathing a laugh as my aunt turned on the ignition and sat back. "Did you have fun?" She asked grabbing my attention.

"Is that a serious question?" I questioned but continued before she could answer, "of course I did, I always have fun with you."

"Great!" She exclaimed. "And now we go home and find your dad, woo." She said in a unenthusiastic tone but I just smiled knowing she was kidding and that she loved her brother.


"Dad wake up," I put my hand on his shoulder in attempt to wake him from his slumber.

"John if you don't get up I will do unmentionable things," my aunt mused from behind me. My dad opened his eyes and looked up at me with an emotionless expression that was soon replaced by annoyance.

"I need to finish this paper and then I'm done," he said but I could smell the alcohol that's laced his breath as he spoke.

"John I'm taking Reese home in the morning so you don't have to bother." My aunt snapped in a harsh tone. "You can see her the next time she comes up," she continued, a scowl evident on her face.

"I didn't want her to come down this time! You made me pick her up and bring her here, you have been since she was ten! Even if it was through a phone call! I didn't want her here and I don't want her here now!" My father shouted at the top of his lungs.

My heart stopped in my chest. This is my real dad. The one who should love me. He doesn't though, and I should have known.

"Come on Reese lets get you home now." My aunt suggested with sad eyes obviously not seeing the point in arguing with my dad.

When we arrived at my house the doors were locked and the lights out. "Can you get in?" My aunt asked.

"Yeah I have a key," I lied.

"I'm sorry about your dad, I'm sure he didn't mean any of that." She tried to comfort me but it wasn't working.

"Oh really because he seemed pretty sure of himself." I laughed humorlessly and looking at her as my dad did me, absolutely emotionless.

I got my bags out of the truck and my aunt drove off as I walked to the porch and sat on the steps waiting for morning so my mom would let me in. I sigh as I a hand through my hair. "This is going to be a long night," I murmur to myself.

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