
"Is she trying to eat his face or kiss him?" Jimmy Uso asked his cousin Roman.

They were siting in catering only a few tables away from where Renee was currently "kissing" Dean.

Everyone by now knew about Dean and Alex's breakup. News and drama travel fast in WWE.

Not to mention that they are currently having a make out session in the middle of catering.

Anyway Roman isn't really on the best of terms with Dean. It was all because of an argument that took place on Saturday afternoon.

It went a little something like this:


*Saturday afternoon*

Roman hummed as he walked down to Dean's hotel room. There was a rumor going around that he dumped Alex and Roman just wanted to see what that was all that about.

Roman eventually got to Dean's room. Instead of knocking he used the keycard he got from the receptionist in the lobby.

He didn't have to search for Dean because he was knocked out on the couch.

"Dean." Roman said trying to shake him awake.

He didn't budge so Roman tried yelling louder.


Dean woke up instantly.

"God what the hell are you doing here Roman?!"

"There's something I need to ask you."

"At this time?!"

Roman looked at his best friend weirdly.

"Um it's 3 in the afternoon." Roman said slowly.

"Oh." Was all Dean said before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

Roman followed close behind.

"Man are you okay?"

"Yeah never better. You wanna beer?" Dean asked pulling two out the hotel's fridge.

"Uh No thanks." Roman said walking back to the living room.

"What did you wanna ask me again?" Dean asked.

"Well there's this rumor going around WWE that you broke up with Alex. I just wanna know if that's true."


"Well good because.....wait what?"

"We're over."Dean said with no emotion.

"Why what happened?"

"It's complicated." Dean said with a shrug.

Roman took the beer out Dean's hands.

"Stop playing games. What the hell did you do?" Roman said in a stern voice.

Dean stood up standing face to face with Roman.

"Give. Me. Back. My. Beer." Dean said.

Roman rolled his eyes and handed the bottle back to him.

"Dude drinking or smoking once in a while is okay but that's not what you're doing." Roman started as Dean stared at his bottle.

It seemed like Dean's beer bottle was way more important than what Roman was saying.

This annoyed Roman greatly. It's like he didn't care.

"Dean if you don't stop drinking and smoking all your problems away you're gonna end up just like your parents!"

Dean threw the beer in Roman's face and then threw the bottle at the wall letting it shatter.

Roman pushed Dean back with so much force that he flipped over the couch that was behind him and landed over the floor.

Roman looked slightly guilty once Dean was on the floor.

"When you get your crap together talk to me." Roman said before leaving the hotel room.


The two haven't talked since that afternoon but making up with Dean wasn't exactly on his agenda today.

He was much more interested in seeing how Alex was holding up. He still hasn't found out what truly happened between his two friends yet and that was his true priority at the moment.

"Man I'll catch up with you later." Roman told the Uso

"Whatever you say Uce" Jimmy said as he watched Roman get up.

When Renee wasn't sucking Dean's face off he managed to send a glare Roman's way.

But Roman just sighed and shrugged it off.

Roman sent Alex a text as soon as he step foot out of catering.


Randy was still gone as Alex sat in his locker room slowly breaking down. Never has she ever cried so much over a break up. Especially one where it they hasn't even been a month.

Alex eventually stopped crying but was still thinking about the situation. She heard her phone make a noise but chose to ignore it.

The sadness was starting to leave but the anger was starting to set in.

Did Dean really lie to her?

Did he think that her feelings and emotions were things to play around with when he got bored?

How could she be so stupid to let him get under her skin?

All these questions went unanswered as they roamed through Alex's head.

Alex was once again waspacing but this time her hand was shaking. The more she thought about it the more her anger boiled.

She began pacing faster and faster. Then...


Alex punch the mirror in Randy's locker room. She let out a shaky breath as she closed her eyes.

She knew her hand was bleeding she could feel the blood running over her knuckles.

Alex bit her lower lip as she opened her eyes.

She didn't even bother to look at her bleeding fist. Instead Alex picked up a piece of glass from the mirror that was on the floor.

She stared at the piece with no emotion. It was like she was no longer in control of her body.

She ran her finger over a sharp end of the glass piece but suddenly the door opened to the locker room.


The voice came from Randy. He must've been done with his match.

"What are you doing?" He asked slowly approaching Alex who looked to be frozen.

"I-I don't know." She stuttered.

Randy's eyes instantly made contact with her bleeding fist and then to the broken mirror behind her.

"Whoa..." Was all he said.

He then saw the piece of glass in her hand.

"What were you doing with this?" He asked referring the the broken piece of glass.

Alex didn't answer.

Randy took the piece out her hand and brought her over to the small sofa.

"We need to talk."

Boring so sorry for the wait. Next Chapter will be better.

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