Chapter Twenty-Six - "Jeez, when did you start sluttin' it up?"

Start from the beginning

"We will talk about this later, Caroline. And if I don't see you until after school, have a nice lunch date. Or hangout, I'm not sure what the protocol is for this sort of thing." Jayna says in a huff, and starts making her way upstairs as the warning bell goes off.

From the time I split up with the girls to my lunch session with Reese, I float through the hours. I don't even look at Reese in our class together, mainly because I'm sickly, but also I didn't want him to know he got under my skin so quickly. I'll have to ask him what we were talking about in economics later, so at least there's conversation.

It's about noon when I arrive to the front of the school where Reese is standing, looking as cute as he was earlier today. I had to go to the bathroom before I saw him to get all the snot out of my nose in case he wants to resume where we left off the other day. We give each other a small smile and he ushers me out the door towards his car.

It's a 2014 Mercedes, and looking at this car makes me want to be extra careful, and I'm not even the one driving. We get in the car and before I even get my seatbelt on, Reese reaches around and pulls me in for a kiss. I was not expecting that to happen so fast, but I'll be damned if I say I didn't like it. We went at that for about three minutes before I pulled away, blushing like a tomato.

"Hey, no more of these lips until there is food in this stomach." I say teasingly.

"I guess I better hurry and get you some food then." He says flirtatiously, even adding a bit of a wink in there.

This is going to be a long lunch date.


(One day earlier)

"Sooooooo, how was the date the other day?" Caroline bluntly asks me. I'm actually surprised she didn't hunt me down the rest of the actual date day.

"It was....Nice." I say, and I know leaving that open to interpretation with Caroline is a bad idea.

"Did you two screw each other already?? Jeez, Mike, when did you start slutting it up?" Caroline rants at me.

"Whoa, first of all, nothing even close to sex happened. We just went to this pizza shop and talked about stuff...And there was the occasional make-out session, which I definitely didn't protest to. Okay, I protested once but just to tell him I was still kind of sick but he still wanted these lips." I puckered my lips out to her and she almost chopped them off with her English packet.

"So, are you going to see him again?" Caroline asks.

"See who again?" Brad interjects as he runs down the stairs with Margie from science, who bids him farewell.

"Mike had a date with Reese from the party the other day." She says, filling him in (I totally meant to tell him, but I forgot.)

"DUDE, how could you not tell me this?!" Brad yells, very loudly at that.

"I forgot! I had like a million things to do yeste-"

"Whatever Brad! Are you gonna see him again?" Caroline asks, totally cutting off my explanation to Brad and shutting Brad down at the same time.

"Jeez woman, I don't know. I think he's cute and a very good kisser, but I don't see him as being long term or anything like that." I say honestly.

"We're graduating in a few months, then heading off to University. Do you really want such a big commitment so late in the game?" Brad asks.

I just shrug. I don't have all the answers, or even if I like him like that. I'll just take my life day-by-day. If day-by-day I get a make-out session in between, then so be it. As we all turn to go to the lunch room, I see Paul in the corner of my eye talking to Raine. Why they're speaking, I'll never know, nor do I want to involve myself in. He sees me and sends me a wave, Raine sends me a quick once-over, and I wave and walk away.

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