All the Hope in the World

Start from the beginning

Neither of them said a thing. Instead, Troye sat up, shook his hair, and Tyler held his hand. He decided they should look around and see what they could scrounge up.

Of course, safety came first. Tyler barred the door while Troye handed him wood and random chairs. When the doors to the hotel were barricaded, they made sure nothing could get through the Windows then left a sleeping Howell with his Lester.

The pair wandered around on the first floor for what felt like years. They didn't want to venture upstairs quite yet, so instead, they raided the kitchen. It was amazing no one thought to raid a hotel. They found so much food, and the stoves were gas powered! Gas powered!! If they could find matches, they could boil water, have a warm meal, anything! Tyler nearly screamed when Troye said that he had matches in his pack. Tyler couldn't wait to tell Dan and Phil-

A thought struck Tyler. He spun on his heels to look at Troye.

"Find a pot, like a big one and some water. I'm going to look for more food. Also, grab those matches. I'm going to cook something," Tyler said, turning away before Troye could ask what he was going to make. He knew what he needed to make and he was going to do it.

It was no more than half an hour later that Tyler managed to finish cooking. It was odd, cooking, since he hadn't been in a real kitchen in so long. It also didn't help that there was almost no food left in the kitchen. Most of it had spoiled (go figure). What he did find, he made into a soup.

A hot soup would be heavenly in the apocalypse. It was a luxury that they had not expected at all. But here it was, boiling in front of Tyler. It had mostly vegetables in it (carrots, corn, celery, potatoes, and onions). All the meet they found was rotten, but Troye found elbow noodles, so those were dumped into their soup too. Tyler managed a broth that gave it more flavor than just vegetables (he found chicken broth that hadn't spoiled yet. It still had a couple months to it). When he ate a spoonful, he almost cried. It was real food; real food that had flavor! It tasted heavenly to his dry taste buds. It wasn't stale, it wasn't expired, and it was sure as hell was warm. He literally wanted to stick his whole face into the soup and eat it all, but he needed to save it for the other three. When Troye took a spoonful, Tyler could see it in his eyes that he wanted to do the same.

"It needs to sit for a bit and just boil, then it will be done. We can just, hang out, if you want." Tyler smiled, moving to sit on a counter away from their bubbling heaven.

Troye moved from his place and stood in front of Tyler, who spread his legs to wrap around Troye's waist to bring him closer.

Please no kitchen sex. I don't even want sex. Let's just make out.

Tyler was a little afraid that Troye might push sex, seeing as they were now alone and pretty safe. The main raise was because Tyler didn't want to be caught with his pants down and have zombies chasing them. To his surprise, Troye just leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Tyler's chest, and sighed.

"It's been so tiring lately," Troye said, heaving another sigh. "They seem to be coming in more and more packs. They're getting smarter. It's like they are learning how to track humans. At least the living ones."

Tyler began petting Troye's head. "Yeah, and that's scary to think about. Zombies tracking the living. Sounds like a crazy plot twist from a low budget zombie movie."

Tyler forced a laughed and so did Troye. It was obvious they were frightened by the thought.

"It really does, doesn't it? Maybe we can convince the other two to migrate to the ports. It'd take forever, but I'm pretty sure we could drive a damn boat to somewhere. Maybe Spain or France are still okay," Troye said.

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