I dont know

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I got out of the chains the second time I woke up with one of my hair things that I had in my hair wow whoever kidnapped me is like the stupidest person alive now I just need to find away out of this stupid castle or whatever I am in I notice a window but before I walk over to it I grab my phone and open the camera to look at my cheek and it had a huge bruise on it I sigh slipping it in my back pocket I grab the bars on the window they were loose great I pull my self up to the ledge as I pull out the bars from the window and I put them on the ground lightly then the glass is still there I sigh kicking it all of the window so I don't get scratched up from it making barely any sound then I look to the ground and noticed that there was glass on the ground I sigh reaching out and grabbing the branch right next to the widow and I pulled my self our barely getting a scrap the I get to about the middle of the branch and I jump down and I sit down by a tree then I hear running then it stops in front of the castle it was Anna then the door opens but she runs away just in time and I sigh in relief as the door closes but I get a good look at the person it was some kind of black and red demon thing then I hear more running and I push my self against the tree then I feel a pain go through my ankle I must have twisted it when I jumped down from the tree how am I going to get back to the mansion? I slid down the tree sitting at the trunk. A tear slips down my hurt cheek when I was about to I felt a hand wipe it away I look up and I saw Liu frowning and I scoot back against the tree wincing as I move my ankle " are you ok?" He asks sitting down in front of me and I shake my head " what's wrong?" He asks quietly and I point down to my ankle " please say something I want to hear your voice" he says and I open my mouth " it hurts " I say as a few tears slip down my cheek and he frowns and nods " I know it does but it will get better ". He says slipping off his scarf and wrapping it around my neck as he wipes off my tears " I'm sorry" I whimper as he picks me up carrying me bridle style " why are you sorry it should be me basically begging for me to even touch you " he says and I frown " I still haven't fully forgave you and I don't know when I will" I say and he nods. " I don't expect you to but please at least give me one more chance I won't do it again I promise" he says and I basically already decided that I would i know you should never forgive someone that did that to you but maybe he could see what he did when he did it that one time and see what it caused. I decided to think for a while and he was looking at me " I will but I want you to see what happened when you did it once and if you ever do it again I will never talk to you again " I say and he nods smiling then we finally get back to the mansion and it was dark I knew most of them would be out killings and I sighed in relief when we walked in and everyone was gone then he walked us up to our room and laid me on the bed then he went in the bathroom and took a shower while I was on my phone. He finally came out with only boxers on I blush as he walks over to the. Bed being careful of my ankle he crawls on top of me and puts his arms on either side of my head then he starts to kiss all over my face and in between each kiss he would say something like " I'm so sorry " or " I love you so much " and it would switch from sully to Liu then when he finally stopped I moved my hair away from my neck and he looked at it " what happened there ?"  He asks pointing at my neck and I grab a hand help mirror and looked at it " oh there was some kind of collar on my neck when I woke up" I said and he nods growling slightly " are you ok?" I ask sitting up and brushing the hair out of his eyes "did they touch you at all you know like sexually?" Sully asks and I shake my head "good because you are mine M I N E " he says and I smile and nod . Then he touches my cheek and I wince from the pain and he moves backwards and frowns " let's get you some ice for that " he says and I nod as he picks me up and carrys me down stairs and sets me on the counter and he grabs a couple of bags and puts ice in them one for my cheek and the other for my ankle and we were just sitting there talking for a while when people come walking into the house then everyone looks over at me then a few people come over and push Liu out of the room and he growls and he pushes his way through everyone out of the way and picks me up then he runs to our room and locks it behind him and puts me on the bed " jealous much " I say and he laughs nodding " you are ours so we can do what we want" they say " hey don't go that far " I say laughing and he nods and he takes off his shorts he put on before we went back down stairs and laud down next to me.

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