I dont

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I woke up with my arm wrapped around Alex's waist and I look over at her and she was laying awake and she looks over at me " finally I couldn't get out of your grip " she laughs kissing my cheek and I let go of her waist and she gets up " can I borrow a shirt or something I only have shorts and slender is going to get me and Anna's clothes today or tomorrow " she says and I nod before sully takes over since I was not ready and I was tired "I would rather you wear nothing " he says and I sigh " shut up sully " she says grabbing one of my shirts and walking into the bathroom that's connected to my room and I get up and walk down stairs and I see everyone talking and I sit on the couch " where is Alex?" BEN I think asks " she is taking a shower " I say and then after a while she doesn't come down and I get worried ad I get up " where are you going?" Jeff asks " I'm going to see if Alex is ok " I say and he gets up " I'm coming " he says and Ben gets up to " same" he says and we start to walk up to my room and when we get in I could hear music coming from the bathroom and I smile slightly as I knock on the door " you ok in there Alex ?" I ask and the music turns down "yeah I'm fine you can come in but only you there is not a lot of room in here " she says and I could hear the smirk in her voice and i smile opening the door and then closing it behind me and locking it. I look over at her and I see she was only wearing short shorts and a bra and I blush shifting my scarf around on my face. She walk towards me and pulls down my scarf I try to put it back on. " you don't have to worry I like you better without your scarf I can see your smile" she says and I smile " there's that smile I love so much " she says kissing me on my cheek . " so what took you so long?" I ask changing the subject as she grabs the shirt she took from me and puts it on . " I was waiting for you to come check on me but then when I heard the other two guys walking on the stairs I ran in the bathroom again and turned on the music so you couldn't hear me pacing around " she says and whispers the last part so I couldn't hear it but I heard it anyway " why were you pacing?" I ask her " I was nervous you would be mad at me or something " she says putting her head on my shoulder " I could never be mad at you especially in what you were wearing " sully chimes in then I think what about Ben and Jeff so I open the door and see that they were gone and I sigh in relief as we both walk out and sit on the bed " anyway I could never be mad at you and like I said I liked your outfit better before " sully pouts and i role my eyes at him and I look back at Alex " oh you mean this " she says slipping off the shirt smiling and I (sully) nods " now should we go downstairs?" She asks " no you have to put your shirt back (by the way of you couldn't have guessed bold means sully ) on" sully says " I thought you liked this one better " she says getting up and grabbing the door nob before sully picks her up and throws her on the bed "now put your shirt on " we say at the same time as I pick up the shirt and give it to her and turn around trying to act mad then I feel her arms wrap around my shoulder and she kisses my ear " stop we are mad at you" we say at the same time and she removed her arms from me and walked to the door " ok I will just go talk to the other guys " she says opening the door and walks out then I frown and run after her and grab her arm pulling her back in the room and locking it behind me " please please don't be mad at us please please " we beg " I thought you were mad at me " she says swinging her legs on the side of the bed " we just didn't want any one to see you your ours and only ours " I say poking her knee and she giggles " I was just joking don't worry " she says rubbing my shoulder "just remember you are ours and only ours " we say together and she nods " now we are going to get your clothes so no one sees you in that" I say as she takes off the shirt again and laughs  " ok but all of the drawers have stuff in it so you have to look through all of the drawer and the closet has some dress so yeah " she says and I nod then jump out the window and I run to where she used to live then when I get it all I get teleported back to my room where I see she was still sitting on my bed and I smile at her . She smiles back and I set her bags down and sit by her on the bed " I liked your top drawer the best" sully says and I think back to where her stuff was that was her underwear and bra drawer I sigh "you are such a pervert " I say "like your any better " sully says and I hear Alex sigh then she grabs our face and kisses it " I think it's cute when you argue but don't do it all the time because you we won't have time together " she says breaking the kiss " when can we tell people that we are dating we don't like when they hit on you because you are ours " we say and she nods " soon I hope but if anything tries anything then we can tell everyone I promise " she says putting a hand on my knee.

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