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" wait wait wait " I say walking over to the cage " ok so it can't talk through you right it's only in your head ?" I ask and she nods " ok so then it cant be another personality it has to just be a voice " I say talking to myself then everyone was looking at me " so what does that mean?" Masky asks me and I shrug "wait you can talk through people's heads right?" I ask slender and he nods " does that mean it could be one of your brothers?" I ask and he nods " then get them over here" I say and he does so while I'm talking to Liu and sully when they walk in I feel Liu grab my hand " what are you doing ?" I ask him " offender is dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt and I'm tired of everyone hitting on you" they say and I nod kissing him quickly as we walk into the main room to see them standing there " ok so I want all three of you to say ' I was told you liked me ' don't ask me why I have my reasons " I say and they nod and trenderman goes it wasn't him and then splendor man goes it wasn't him either then I look to offender and he licked his lips at me then I feel Liu grab my hips and he pulls me towards him against his hips and I laugh quietly then offender says it and it was him " now if you don't stop talking to Anna I am going to make your life a living hell" I say growling and then he laughs " like you could do anything to me " he said and I tried to launch at him but Liu digs his fingers into my hips and holds me tight to him. Then he puts his head on my shoulder " calm down  he is just trying to get to you it's going to get to you dont let him do it " he whispers in my ear and kisses me on the ear and sully nibbles on it I laugh slightly and I nod standing straight up " so are you going to stop talking to her?" I ask looking into his 'eyes' and he nods then I hear Anna calm down then I sigh in relief and then they all disappear to do whatever. Then I feel Liu or sully I don't know which grab my butt " stop it" I say trying to bat his hand away but he shakes his head "you're mine forever so we can do what we want to you" they say and  I sigh but smile then I turn so my face is in his and I kiss him biting his lip and pulling it and I smirk crashing my lips into his then he picks me up as we continue to kiss and he walks up the stairs and then sully, I knew it was him because he was aggressive , threw me on the bed then he starts to kiss down my body after he takes off my shirt then in the middle of him kissing my stomach he pulls down the side of my spandex shorts and bits down on the side of my hips and I moan loudly when someone opens the door I groan as he gets off me and I grab my shorts " I have to go on a killing spree I will be back later " he says and i nod kissing him.

Toutering Serial killersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon