39. The blindfold

Começar do início

Ally pulled back, her face appearing innocent. Right. Nothing innocent about what was going through my mind because of that little stunt. Didn't help that her face was flushed, her color peaked. Damn, what I wouldn't' do to be able to kiss her senseless right about now.

"What do you mean?"

"Any more surprises?"

She grinned. "Why? Afraid you can't handle it?"

"Sweetheart," I moaned. "My heart can only handle you in small doses—anymore and it may just burst."

Ally's expression turned serious as she removed her hands from my neck where they were wrapped so tightly I'd probably have bruises in the morning. She shrugged just before she reached for her zipper. As her fingertips touched the metal she locked eyes with me. I licked my lips, my chest rising and falling with so much anticipation I was having trouble breathing. The sound of the zipper lowering had me leaning towards her.

Ally drew it down farther and farther with agonizing slowness, my imagination went crazy with possibilities.

"Sorry to disappoint you," she said seductively. "But I don't have any other surprises..." Her smile turned deadly. "Just me."

The dress fell.

We were in a parking lot.

And the top of her dress just—fell open.

And she was right.

She had nothing else—because she was naked.

I don't know how long I stayed that way—in such shock that my mouth wouldn't close, my heart hammered, my mind raced.

And then, she pulled her dress back up and sat back against the seat. "So, we should probably get going...unless you'd rather hang out in the parking lot. But no way am I telling my kids that story."

"Huh?" Clearly, I was having trouble catching up—part of my brain was still functioning on the level of garters, white lace, and nakedness. To be fair, I was a guy so yeah, that was my only excuse. Well that and I loved her—more than life itself.

"Wedding night in a parking lot downtown Miami?" Ally nose scrunched up..."Not romantic, now drive." She hit the dash and leaned back.

"How are you acting normal!?" My voice was hoarse—shit, was I yelling?

Ally burst out laughing.

"Damn Trish."

"Oh, this wasn't Trish's idea, nor was it her gift."

"What?" With shaking hands, I buckled my seatbelt. Where the hell was north? South? East? Were we supposed to go east?

"Dez." Ally released a dreamy sigh.

"I'll kill him with my bare hands if he said the word naked to you. Swear."

"No." With twinkling eyes she whispered, "But he did say something about how there's no point wearing lingerie—when it doesn't even stay on for three seconds."

"And the garters?"

"Oh these?" She flashed me more leg while I accidently hit my thumb on the steering wheel trying to start the car again.

"Yeah." I didn't look away. What was the point in trying when I didn't have to?

"All. Me." Ally leaned over the console and braced my face with her hands. "I got them a while ago with one intention and one intention only."



Our Eternal Ruin (Auslly)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora