39. The blindfold

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"So..." I brought Ally's fingertips to my lips and gave them a little kiss, but it wasn't enough, I wanted her so bad. I wanted to be intoxicated by her, feel her, taste her.

Funny how a person can actually taste a certain way, to me, she tasted like heaven, which is kind of ironic since I'm pretty sure last year this time I should have been charging towards those pearly gates—or would have been had I not met her. She was my savior, miracle or not. The very fact that she'd said yes to my proposal? And that we were married?

Yeah, forget surviving cancer.

I just married the most beautiful woman ever created—period.

"So?" Ally giggled. "Were you gonna finish that thought or just daydream a bit? What's going on in Austin Moon Land, hmm?" She winked and then withdrew her hand from mine, placing it in her lap.

We'd just gotten into the car and already I was nervous about the rest of the night—not because I didn't know what I was doing but because I'd built up so much anticipation for this very day that, now she had said yes? And she was my wife? Well all those emotions came charging down leaving me totally wiped.

It was hell trying to hide my yawn.

Ally ran her fingers through my hair as I pulled onto the freeway. "You look tired."

"I look awesome," I corrected. "And...satisfied."

"Oh." Ally shrugged. "So I guess that means you don't need this?"

I merged into the carpool lane and glanced in her direction. Dangling. White. Lace. Bra. Holy mother of—

"Austin!" Ally laughed. "Stay in your lane!"

I screeched to the middle lane then almost slammed on my brakes just because my body was clearly losing all ability to function. It was like adrenaline surged through all the wrong parts forcing me to slam on the brakes while simultaneously wanting to reach over and pull Ally into my lap and just—I don't know, I honestly couldn't get past the white, the lace. Shit, why was I repeating myself? IN MY HEAD.

"Uhhh..." Throat dry I tried clearing it, but it only made things worse.

"Water?" Ally handed me a bottled water. Thank God.

I took a sip just as she hiked up her dress and showed me her garter.

The water sprayed out of my mouth onto the steering wheel.

I coughed, then cleared my throat before using the back of my hand all the while Ally laughed her ass off and continued flashing parts of her body.

Cursing, I took the next exit.

"Where are we going?" Ally's laughter died down as she glanced out the window at the Sound. "A parking lot? We're pulling up into a parking lot?"

Words weren't really my thing at that moment. I was more of an action guy anyway, right? I nodded, screeched into a parking spot, threw off my seatbelt, and launched my body across the console, pulling Ally towards me with such force that I probably would have bruised her chin had my lips landed anywhere else but on hers.

Ah, that taste.

With a groan, I moved my left hand down her thigh. Coming into contact with that one garter was hell on my imagination.

Because, naturally there were two.

Because she had two legs.

Holy—there were two.


I kissed her harder.

"What else?" I panted, grabbing at the back of her head with my right hand, tugging her hair, pulling at whatever I could to get her closer. "What else do you have?"

Our Eternal Ruin (Auslly)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz