34. The ring on her hand

Start from the beginning

The minute I turned, I realized why. Every single person on my side of the crowd were flashing shirts that said I heart Austin Moon. I was too shocked to say anything. The yells grew louder. I gave a bow and took off my helmet. Nervous, I cleared my throat before speaking into the microphone.

"Thank you," I said in a hoarse voice. "You have no idea how much your support means to me, my family, my team. I never expected a reaction like this for my recovery," I cleared my throat again. "I love you guys. All of you, but there's someone... someone special that I really need to talk to right now. Ally?" The crowd cheered louder. "Ally, can you come down here?"

Amidsts screams and hollers, my girl made her way from the stands and across the fields.

"Wow," I said into the microphone. "You're just as beautiful as the first day I saw you."

The red writing on her top matched her face as she made the final few steps to the middle of the field.

"Lamb," I began. She rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was happy. I fought against the nerves and excitement I felt at finally being able to claim her as my own. "My heart was literally breaking when I met you." The crowd fell silent. "It was getting slowly poisoned by something beyond my control — some think it is a miracle that I'm standing here, others say it was the drugs." I gripped her hands. "But I think..."

Ally's brow furrowed.

"When I met you — somehow you healed me. From the inside out, the outside in. We conquered fears together, we learned, we laughed, and we loved. I swear, you caused my heart to soar more in the past few months than it has in my entire existence. My heart is whole because you chose to share yours with me, and it's for that reason that I get down on not one, but both knees..."

I knelt in front of her and gripped her hand.

"And say thank you. Thank you for saving my life, thank you for loving me enough to treasure your own, and thank you for being my strength when I had none. I'd like to think our hearts are joined — forever entwined — but considering that's not technically a legal joining, I have a question for you."

Gasps were heard throughout the stadium.

"Marry me? Make me the happiest man alive." I opened the box revealing my mom's ring.

The same one I saw when I'd closed my eyes before my surgery. It was a three carat antique-cut diamond solitaire, with the words My heart for yours engraved on the inside.

Dad said when he engraved it, he had only thought of his love for Mom. Never once did he suspect that it would have a deeper meaning for all of us.

Maybe, just maybe, everything did happen for a reason. Maybe there was no such thing as a coincidence. I gulped, waiting for Ally's answer.

With a shout, she threw her arms around my neck knocking me to my back. Her mouth found mine.

I tasted her lips and growled against them. "That a yes?"

"That's a what the heck took you so long?" She smacked me on the chest and then looked away as tears streamed down her face. "I love you Austin Moon."

"Oh, yeah."

She grinned and pointed to her shirt. "You like?"

"I love."

"I heart Austin Moon," she whispered and kissed my mouth again. "I would have given you mine, you know..."

"What?" I asked confused, still holding her, as I slowly stand up.

"My heart..." Her lower lip trembled. "I would have given it to you — to save you. I would have done anything."

"I'll still take it."


"Your heart," I whispered. "I'll still take it, if the offer stands. I want all of it, even the broken pieces, the shredded ones that no longer fit. I want all of them — all of you. I need it all." I look down at her, brushing my hand across her cheek.

"You have it." She tightened her grip around my neck as she jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist.

Camera crews were going crazy, trying to get every angle of our bodies, and then, exactly as I'd planned it, the fireworks went off in perfect tune with the song Beneath Your Beautiful.

"Wow." She breathed, letting her head fall back as she looked at the sky. "You do things big, don't you?"

"I am a Moon." I winked. "Now, let's go win that game."

We could have lost and I would have still been happy. Luckily, we didn't. The green and yellow were no more. Dez looked ready to cry tears of joy, and then he started trash talking, so we escorted him away from other fans.

I grabbed Ally's hand and kissed it.

I just wanted to get her home.

Playing football now to me meant nothing. Winning any games, nothing.

But Ally? Hell, yeah. She was everything.

I left early. I said goodbye to the cameras, the lights, the fame — I just wanted her.

And in that dark tunnel as we walked out of the stadium, feeling my mom's ring against her finger, I knew I was starting the rest of my life, with the reason for my life.


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