28. Face your Fears

Start from the beginning

"Sure, let me just wake Sleeping Beauty."

Dez jumped to his feet. "I'll just be outside. I'm sure she'll be hungry."

"Dez," I called after him.

He turned. "Yeah?"

"I do have one favor to ask."


"I need you to do something for my girl." I smiled and licked my lips. "She's going to be pissed, but promise me you'll do it."

Dez laughed. "I like the idea already."

"I'll text you the details later. I have it set up for tomorrow, okay?"

"Sounds good." Dez waved and walked off as I leaned down and kissed Ally's lips.

"Mmm," she moaned.

I kissed her lips again. Her eyes fluttered open. "Tell me it was a bad dream, Austin."

"Not a bad dream, just not my favorite." I brushed the hair from her face and closed my eyes as it ran through my fingers. "Now, as much as I love having you plastered against me, that nice nurse standing over there needs to take me for my MRI."

"Oh." Ally jumped to her feet a little unsteady at first and then shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans. "I probably look like a mess anyways. I should go get a shower."

"Dez has stuff for you." I nodded to the door. "My dad has a suite in his own private part of the hospital. You and Dez can sleep there and take showers, alright? I'm assuming you want to be here and—"

"I'm not leaving your side," she vowed.

That was what I'd been afraid of. I would be the one leaving and she — she would stay.

"Alright." I yawned and gave her a wink. "I'll be done in a bit and then we can talk all about how I'm the worst boyfriend in the world for missing the Homecoming party."

She smiled at that and walked out of the room.

"Beautiful girlfriend."

I looked at the nurse, not caring that she was probably going to think I was crazy and said, "I would make her my wife if I could."

The nurse smiled and patted my arm. "Don't give up yet. Sometimes when we think life has written The End, what he really means is The Beginning."

~~~~ (ू•-•ू⑅) ~~~~

The MRI scared the hell out of me. I always hated them but wasn't given much of a choice in this instance. Instead of concentrating on not moving — I thought about Ally.

I imagined what she would look like when she was thirty. Would her smile still be the same? Would her belly be swollen with a child? Damn, but I wanted the child to be mine.

I bit down hard on my lip. I had to stay still, my fists wanted to clench. I wanted to yell. My visions went on fast forward to Ally as an old woman sitting on the porch holding her husband's hand.

I wasn't sure why I was torturing myself. Hell, I've not known her for a year, but it wasn't that instant love thing that had been a part of all my teenage and college years. I knew it was real. Maybe that was life's final gift to me — true love.

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