"Yes, seats 4 and 5," he informed me. I had never been to a soccer game, and I got to experience my first one in London and front row. My excitement made me seem like a giddy child as I found my seat.

"What are the two teams that are playing?" I looked to Liam.

"Have you ever been to a football match?" he asked ignoring my question.

"No," I said sheepishly tucking a strand of blonde hair behind my ear.

"Well, I'm happy to be taking you," his smirk grew to a full smile. "The teams are West Bromwich Albion, my favourite team, and Southampton. I know the Throstles will take this one though." Liam must have noticed my confused look because he clarified who the Throstles are. "West Bromwich Albion is also referred to as the Throstles, or West Brom," he smirked.

I began to tear a piece of my soft pretzel off, but I was distracted by the roar of the crowd and I suddenly realized everyone, including Liam, was on their feet. I glanced over to see a team in white and navy striped uniforms imprinted with red numbers emerging from the opening to the field. A few seconds later, a different section of the stadium roared with screams as a team in red uniforms emerged from the other opening. I joined in on screaming for West Brom as I jumped up and down.

I had a perfect view of all of the action, I could see the beads of sweat forming on the players skin. I could see the instances when a player would wake up the next morning with a bruise. I could see the ball roll so perfectly across the turf as it was passed from teammate to teammate. I could see the ambition and drive the players possessed as they struck the ball and hit the opposing team with elbows and cleats.

The buzzer sounded loud over the entire stadium letting us know it was half-time. I looked over into Liam's eyes with fear and excitement. "We're only up by one! Do you think we can do it?"

He chuckled before answering, "We? so you’re a Throstle now. Humm I like that." He gave me a wink before taking in his surroundings with a deep breath. "Yes, I believe in us. I know we can do it," he finally concluded. I gave him a big grin before resting my head on his shoulder and allowing him to drape his arm over me.

The half-time break went by fast. The teams quickly arranged themselves, now covered in sweat and dirt, into their formations. When the referee blew the whistle, the game was back on. Block by The Broms, Block by Southampton. A trip here, an elbow to the face there, a bit of blood shining on players knees, faces, and arms. The Throstles score and we're up by two. The anticipation was killing me as the clock runs out of time. Every shot Southampton took, my heart stopped until I was sure it was blocked, and my heart sunk when Southampton was able to block a shot the Broms made. Ten minutes left. Southampton was trying harder than ever to get a goal, but the Throstles were too good, and by the end, we won 3 to 0.

I looked over at Liam with my hands still shaking with panic. "That was intense," I admitted.

"We were up the whole time and won by 3," he chuckled.

"I know, but I kept thinking Southampton was going to make a comeback and ugh it was nerve-racking."

"Do you not have faith in our team?" he questioned with a smirk.

"Of course I do. But you're forgetting that this is the first time I have ever seen them play, heck it was the first time I've seen a soccer game ever!" I exclaimed.

"Haha well now you know how good we are. And uh soccer?" he raised an eyebrow at me as he asked.

"Oh sorry, football," I corrected myself. "That’s what we call it in America," I informed him.

"I know," he winked before kissing my cheek. I would never fully understand this boy.

He held my hand all the way out of the arena, stopping us at a large stand decorated by West Bromwich Albion paraphernalia. He pulled out a $20 bill and handed it to the woman running the counter. "Small 4 please," he told her. The woman put the bill in a lockbox before handing him a West Brom jersey just like the ones the team members wore. A red 17 was plastered to the back and the logo was pressed onto the top corner of the spandex material. "For you," he said as he handed me the jersey.

"Really?" my eyes were wide as I looked up to him.

"Yes." He planted his lips to mine and entangled his fingers into my blonde curls. I griped the jersey tightly in my left hand letting my right one drift to the nape of Liam's neck. I pulled away first noticing an expression of disappointment on Liam's face. I bit my lip before deciding to struggle to slip the jersey over my head. I noticed a second pair of hands pulling at the hem to help it settle on my torso. The shirt hung perfectly around my upper half stopping at my waist. A huge grin spread across my face before I flung my arms around Liam to embrace him in a tight hug. "Thank you," I whispered. "It's perfect."

"You're welcome love," his husky whisper sounded in my ear. In that instance, my tiptoes were no longer on the ground and I was suddenly spun in a circle. I was delicately placed back on my toes before Liam placed another kiss to my neck. "Let's go." His voice was so intriguing, I wanted him to speak again so I could hear the one-of-a-kind husky yet silky voice that had so easily captivated me.

His hand engulfed my small one as we walked out the large doors to the parking lot. Liam helped me into the car before getting in himself and began zooming down the road. We pulled up in front of an unfamiliar apartment complex that appeared to be about 4 blocks away from mine. "Where are we?" I questioned.

"My place," his husky tone rung above the hum of the engine.

Sapphire *One Direction* [Liam Payne]Where stories live. Discover now