Jihoon (bad boy)

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I peeped my head from out of my locker then quickly put it back in, pretending to be busy.

"Hey!" Jihoon stomped closer and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. Some of my things fell on the floor.

His little gang wasn't with him, which was unusual.

"What do you want?" I asked, kneeling down to collect my books.

He squatted down in front of me and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper,"Was this you?"

I looked at the drawing on the paper and started laughing.

"So it was you," he tore up the drawing and I was sad because I couldn't look at the fine piece of art anymore.

"Do you think I'm a joke, (y/n)?" He grabbed my arm tight, making the books in my hand fall again. "You owe me."

I scoffed,"I owe you nothing! You should be happy I waisted some time to even draw your ugly a••," I pulled my arm back. "Consider me a fan," I said sarcastically and stood up.

"Bye, Jihoon," I waved and closed my locker before walking to class.


I was shivering outside.

My mom forgot to pick me up from school...again. I bet she doesn't even notice that I'm gone.

"Well, well, well," I heard someone say from behind me and I turned around.

Jihoon smirked,"Someone forgot to pick up Picasso?"

"Sh-shu-ut u-up," I stuttered as my toes froze up.

"You're gonna get sick."

"Y-you think I d-don't know th-tha-at?"

He nodded over to the student parking lot,"C'mon. I'll take you home."

"Do you think I'm an idiot? There's no way I'm g-getting in a car with y-you."

I sneezed and Jihoon shrugged,"Well, have fun freezing to death."

He started walking away.


I could feel him smirking. That punk.

He turned on his heels,"Yes~?"

"I'll go with you."

"Manners, (y/n)."

I groaned,"Will you be ever so kind and take me home?"

He smiled,"Why of course, darling! Anything for Picasso!"

I walked with him to the parking lot,"Shut up."

Jihoon unlocked the car and I got into the passenger side, while he went in the drivers seat.

He turned on the heater and it came out cold.

I shivered in the seat.

"It'll get warmer," he reassured me, pulling out of the parking space and driving away from campus.

"I live over in-"

"I know," he cut me off.


"I live across the street from you."

I looked out the window,"R-really? I d-didn't kn-ow."

"You're really cold aren't you?"

"Mostly my hands."

"Here," he removed his right hand from the steering wheel and put it in front of me.

I looked at it stupidly.

"Well don't just stare at it," he said, grabbing my left hand,"There."

His hands were really warm...and soft.

The atmosphere was awkward and he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry about earlier," he said,"I kind of snapped at you."

"'Kind of.'"

"Hey, I'm trying here!"

I giggled. "I'm sorry for drawing you so fabulous."

"You call me sitting on the toilet constipated fabulous?" He laughed and shook his head.

He pulled into my driveway and we just sat there.

"You better not be sick tomorrow," he said, trying to make it sound like a threat. His cheeks were pink. "You owe me twice now."

I smiled looked at his hand,"Yeah right."

"I'll see you at school tomorrow."


He turned his head and faced me,"You wanna...go see a movie sometime?"

I bit my lip, trying to stop my stupid grin from showing,"Sure."

It was awkward again.

"I should get going," I said and let go of his hand. I opened the door and got out,"Bye, Jihoon."

He smiled back at me,"Bye, Picasso."


I don't even know.

I just remembered that there isn't school on Monday and my happiness level went from 0 to 100 real quick.

I got a haircut and it looks really nice like thank the lord!

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