Chapter 10 : Power

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Natsus POV

All the pain I had just been feeling just vanished. I feel like all my magic energy just rushed back into me. What's going on? What ever, I'll just use this power to take out more of those bastards who keep trying to hurt my friends!

I attack, the fire that poured from my hands was a stronger and deeper red. Almost a blood red flame. "Natsu.." I heard my name called softly, I searched for the voices owner. There I saw her, Lucy she stood there staring at me.

"What's wrong with your flames?" She asked me. "I don't know Luce, but it's making me stronger" "you shouldn't use that"she stated. "Wha? What do you mean? How else am I suppose to fight!" "Something's not right about those flames! They have their own aura and I sense it's bad Natsu!"

I stopped using my fire and knocked out the demon with my hands then started running towards her. "What do you mean they have a bad aura?" I saw her eyes and mouth open wide she push me and pulled her whip out blocking.

"Gah!!Natsu are you okay?!" She yelled to me. I jumped in and helped "yea I'm fine, you?" She nodded. "You have to trust me and my fire Lucy. It's the only way I can fight." She looked down then nodded.

Lucy's POV

Even though I don't trust Natsu's fire I trust him. But I feel like I'm going to regret it. Ignoring what I had on my mind I fought. Knowing Natsu's got my back made me feel stronger.

I don't have much magic energy left. I was panting like crazy. I couldn't summon another spirit.. But I might be able to use urano metria just once. Wait I forgot!

"Star dress! Leo form ~ regulus!" I cried out. I felt my clothes change and I little more power. Now I can attack head on with these bastards! "LUCY REGULUS KICK!!!!" I kick one demon sending him flying into five more.

"Nice one Lucy" I saw Natsu smirking as he continued to attack. (Like from one of the new episodes in the tartaros arc)
I smiled and kicked more guys as they attack. "Lucy!" I turned around but I was too late I was punched in the gut. I fell to ground in pain, before I could even opened my eyes I felt my self being lifted in the air.

I opened my eyes this demon was different it was actually scary and I could sense the large amount of magic energy coming from him. He held me by my throat, I was freaking out and squirming trying to get out of his grip.

"What's this? Are you scared little bitch? Hmm what was that little move you were doing to my men? Oh yea" he threw me up in the air and kicked me hard sending me flying. "Gahh ahh!!!" I screamed and cried through the pain. I think he broke my ribs. Oh Mavis, I feel my body flying towards the ground, my stomach aches from the feeling.

"Lucy!!!" I could hear Natsu running in the distance. I'm sorry Natsu.. But you're not gonna be able to catch me this time. I closed my eyes tightly bracing my self for the impact.

There it is. My body slammed into the ground but I didn't just stop I kept rolling across the rubble and dirt. "Gah!" I could feel my skin getting scratches and bruises. I finally stopped when I slammed into the wall of the closest building.

I panted and gasped for air. It felt like I was being suffocated. Was it the heavy smoke in the air or did my lungs give in on me. Then I felt the air pour into my lungs "Heal!" I heard it softly and trembling. I opened my eyes and saw Wendy over me using the last of her magic to heal me. "Wendy.. Don't" "Lucy-San you know I can't do that" she cried.

I could breathe but it wasn't enough magic for me to even sit up. Wendy fainted onto my lap. I winced at the pain from the small child landing on my hurting body.

"Lucy.." I heard my name through the panting muscular voice. "Natsu? Is that you" I tried as best as I could and opened one eye weakly "I'm sorry I was to weak" I coughed.

He fell to his knees and pulled me into his arms with Wendy still lying on my lap. "Shut up Baka." I looked up at him how dare he call me stupid! "You're not weak Lucy, why would you say that. You're in fairy tail. No one in fairytail is weak got it!"

I looked up at him. He opened his eyes and looked deeply into my eyes. I opened both of my eyes widely now. Those weren't the soft onxy eyes I'm used to seeing. Staring at me was red fiery demonic eyes. He must have noticed I was scared because he blinked and shook me out of my shock.

"Lucy! Snap out of it, I can't have you passed out" "Natsu..." I felt my eyes getting heavy. Before I could even finish my sentence I was out.

Normal POV

Lucy passed out leaving Natsu speechless. More like pissed off and angry. He picked Lucy and Wendy both up and carried them into a corner hoping they'd be safe. He gently laid them down.

He grabbed Lucy's hand kissing it softly. He turned around staring at the demon who hurt his friends. When the demon saw him, he smirked.

"You plan on attacking your own kind ha, how dare you!" He laugh sinisterly . Natsu raised an eye brow "whatcha talking about ey?!" He yelled back.

Little did Natsu know his tattoos have taken over his whole upper torso, he had fiery red demonic eyes surrounded by scales. And lastly the letters N and D had appeared on his chest but are still covered by his tearing clothes.

"Do you really not know, ha how stupid are you?" The man held his stomach laughing. "Why did Zeref even chose a fool like you?" Hearing Zerefs name pissed Natsu off even more. It's his fault his friends are all being hurt right now.

Natsu leaned his head down covering his eyes with his bangs. He punched his hands together with flames. He smirked and looked up "you're gonna regret messin with Fairy tail!"

Hope you enjoy the new chapter

This is a Fairy Tail fanfic
All rights to Hiro Mashima, the owner and creator of Fairy Tail.

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