CH 23 - Getting Ready For A New Adventure

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Kobe's POV

May 14, 2010, Friday

Travelling to a good place together with friends is fun. Everyone's filled with energy. Everyone's in high spirits. However there's a limit to how energetic these brats could be.

I am in bed and Shyu is wailing at my ears. He is talking about going to the mall together.

Shyu: Hey! Hey! Kobe! SM is having a 3 day sale. Seventy percent. And I heard there's a cosplay event. Does that sound fun? Shyu, Dony, Kevin, Xander: Let's go now!

I opened my eyes and to my surprise, there were 4 boys standing in front of me, dressed in their casual clothes. I just stared at them coldly.

Kevin: Oh and the 3 girls and the other guys cannot come. Diane has a fever so Jae is taking care of her. Ki is feeling dizzy. And the other girls, they did not come today. Maybe they're tired.

Me: Listen up. I'm tired too. And you do have some guts to disturb my sleep!?

Xander: Oh no he's mad!

Me: And cosplay, you say. Aren't you old enough for those kind of things?!

All: ~~~~~~ (scared)

Dony: Don't waste your vacation  by just sleeping. Hehe~ Let's have some fun.

Me: We just got home from Boracay yesterday so how do you expect me to have the energy to play with you, BRATS!!!? DO WHAT YOU WANT!

I'm sure I went back to sleep afer that but then.... when I woke up, I found myself sitting in a fastfood chain and I was left with 3 mouthsto feed. And so they misunderstood my last sentence and really did what they want. That is, to drag me with them.

Dony: Kobe, I'm really hungry.

Xander: We did not have lunch.

Kevin: Feed us.

Me: (feels like having a nightmare) Where's Shyu?

Xander: Went on a date with Noona Ann. Hey we're really hungry.

Me: (dark aura) Aaah. So why don't you buy with your money?!

Dony: We did not bring our wallets.

Me: (dark aura + evil laugh) Ah. Ah. Hahaha. So you tagged me along because you want me to treat you guys? Hahaha. (dark aura) You sure have some guts. And that Shyu... saying something about 'having fun together' then leaving just like that with his girl... So this is a trick, huh.

Kevin: (whispers) He's being scary.

Me: Order what you want, you poor things. We'll also go shopping later.  I'LL MAKE SHYU PAY 10 TIMES THE PRICE. Bwahahaha.

Dony: He's evil... TT

And so after exhausting the already exhausted me, the 5 of us went home.

Diane: I'm cured now guys. Thanks to Jae! ^^ Wow~ You shopped for a lot of things you rich people!

Dony: We bought something for you. And you too Jae, Ki. :)

Ki: Waaaw! Shades, thank you!

And so everyone was back to normal except for Shyu who's isolating himself, sitting like a dead spirit, for he was forced to pay everything we spent at the mall.

A Shared DreamTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon