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Loki smiled as he stood in the doorway of Sherlock's room. The scene he saw was heartwarming.

Anselma was fast asleep on the bed with Tony wrapped around her. Sherlock was perched on the windowsill with his fingers steeled beneath his chin as he watched outside. Natasha was balanced on the dresser, staring at the sleeping pair. Clint was somehow crouched on the bedframe above Tony and Anselma while he watched the doorway. It was only when Loki walked into the room and saw them that he realized what was going on. Everyone was guarding Anselma. Everyone.

When Loki had walked into 221 B Baker Street he had almost ran straight into Mycroft. He was just inside the second door, clearly guarding it. For soemone who came across as harmless, he radiated an air of danger. Mrs. Hudson's door was wide open and Loki could see Sebastian set up at the window with his sniper rifle. He was watching the back area, mainly the door.

Once Loki made it up the steps he saw Bruce was lounging outside it in a chair he had dragged outside the apartment. Inside, John had his own sniper rifle set up to guard the front door. Jim was lurking over his shoulder, watching the street and everyone who passed. Loki was certain no one was going to hurt his daughter. She was the safest person in the universe in that moment. Safe, surrounded by her family. And looking around at the expressions on everyone's faces, he knew she always would be.

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