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Tony had locked himself in the lab, still having Jarvis scan for his baby girl, and going insane with anger and fear. Everyone, including Loki, respected his need for space. So he was alone when Jarvis alerted him to the fact that he had found Anselma. In seconds he was flying out and towards his daughter. It didn't cross his mind to alert the others. It was a testament to Jarvis' worry that it slipped his mind too.

Tony had threw on his latest suit design for the simple fact that it was faster than any other suit. It was pure silver, completely hid under his regular clothes, and was helmetless. It was meant to be invisible so he could surprise anyone who wanted to attack him. He didn't mind that its first use was to save Anselma. He couldn't think of a better use actually.

"Priority One's location is located sixteen point nine miles northwest of your current location." Jarvis said into the earpiece Tony had slipped in before embarking on his solo rescue mission. "Noted." He said shortly. The rest of the flight was made in silence.


The place Anselma was being held was an old abandoned asylum. Tony quietly slipped inside and began searching. He cleared the top three floors before coming across someone on the first floor. The man was scratching something into the wall using a long vicious looking sword. He sat back and admired his work. Tony looked at the wall. Skurge, He read. The name seemed familar to him but he was more focused on saving his daughter then figuring out why it did.

Tony slowly crept up on the man, Skurge, and raised one hand, pointing the repulser at him. He hissed as Skurge suddenly whirled and swung his sword at Tony's neck. He ducked and swung a fist at the towering man. It struck and the hit vibrated through Tony's arm causing him flinch in pain. Skurge took advantage of that and struck Tony across the face. He shook his head at the pain. "Jarvis scan." He ordered as he leapt to the side to avoid another swing of the sword. A soft whir in his ear let him know his loyal AI was obeying. "Scan complete. Magic detected." Tony grimaced at the news. "Well, J, time to test out the suits latest feature." He muttered while blocking a punch. Skurge was snarling insults in his natural language. At least Tony assumed they were insults, he couldn't really tell. "As you wish sir."

A small compartment opened up on his right forearm and Tony grabbed a small rectangle of metal. He pressed the button on top and it grew to the size of a small suitcase. Tony threw it down at Skurge's feet and a force field emerged to cover him. Skurge roared in fury once he discovered he could not escape. After making sure he couldn't get away at all Tony turned and cleared the floor. That only left the basement to check. Tony cautiously made his way down the stairs. He paused on the last step and looked around in confusion. It looked as if the asylum had never shut down. The walls were free of cracks, the doors weren't barely hanging on the hinges, and the floors were squeaky clean.

He was dragged back to the matter at hand by a scream. Anselma's scream. The next thing he knew he was standing in a doorway staring at a scene he knew would haunt him for a long time. A bloody Anselma was slouching in a chair with a woman standing over her who was holding a bloody knife.

Tony saw red. He didn't even remember moving. All he knew was he was standing over an unconscious woman and releasing his daughter before pulling her gently in his arms. "Papa." Tony shushed her and threw another magic binding contraption at the woman. "Amora." She whispered hoarsely before passing out. Tony's worry spiked up a notch. "Jarvis, send two suits to escort the prisoners to the Helicarrier." He barked before flying back to the tower.


The Avengers jumped as the window in the living room opened up to let Tony in. They stared in shock at seeing Anselma in his arms. Loki hurried forward to examine his little girl. Tony softly handed Anselma over to Loki and turned to Bruce. With a nod the doctor moved to examine her. Everyone just watched quietly as Tony stood in the middle of the room staring at nothing. "Status?" He whispered.

"Priority one is home safe." Jarvis said. "Mission accomplished sir."

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