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Anselma woke slowly, her head pounding with a searing fire savagely crawling slowly along her system. She only kept from opening her eyes through sheer willpower. Training from her childhood seeping through the pain.

She opened her eyes into slits and looked around. She sat in a chair with metal cuffs binding her ankles and wrists. The room was pure white and burned her eyes as she struggled to adjust to her new surroundings. A small flashing light in the corner of the room alerted her to the fact she was being watched. She nearly jumped when the door behind her flew open. Soft footsteps echoed in the small room. They stopped right in front of her.

"I know you're awake." A woman said. Anselma decided the game was up and met the woman's eyes. She was blonde and had striking blue eyes. She would have been beautiful had it not been for the manic smile on her face. "Hello, I am Amora." She said brightly. "You met my associate earlier." Anselma glared at that.

"If you are referring to the coward who took me by surprise from the back, then yes we've met." Amora's face darkened with an ugly fury. "Take care how you speak," she cautioned. "I am not someone you wish to anger." But Anselma had grown up with Tony Stark, a legend known for his inability to shut up. And Anselma was most definitely her father's daughter.

"Oh, and why is that sweetheart? Are you going to get big, bad, and gutless to come in here?" She asked with mock fear. Amora's eyes flashed angrily. She leaned down and yanked Anselma's head back by her hair. "You are going to pay for that." She whispered with vicious glee. Anselma just glowered at her.

Amora grinned and raised a hand to Anselma's temple. It glowed blue. "Tell me if this hurts." She said before Anselma's back arched with pain. She bit her lip to keep from screaming. Amora laughed.
Tony paced frantically pulling at his hair viciously. "Locate Priority One." He told Jarvis. He didn't understand how his baby had been missing for sixteen hours and his genius fucking AI hadn't found her yet. Loki's magic couldn't even locate her thanks to some interference. "Sir, I am unable to-" Tony slammed his fist into the wall, trembling with rage. "FIND HER!" He roared. The glass windows quivered with the force of his fury.

"Why don't you just calm down?" Pepper suggested, raising her hands as if showing she was unarmed. Tony whirled to face her. "Calm down?" He asked quietly and took a step forward. "Calm down." He repeated serenely. Pepper swallowed in fear and stepped back. A quiet Tony meant a furious Tony. And a furious Tony meant a deadly Tony.

Whoever had taken Anselma was going to die. Tony's eyes swore vengence even as his voice promised peace. Because right now Pepper wasn't looking at Tony Stark, the honorable Iron Man; she was looking at Tony Stark, The Merchant of Death.
"Why are you doing this?" Anselma asked, a line of blood sliding down her chin from where she had bit through her lip. Amora cackled and spun in a circle. "Isn't it obvious?" She exclaimed. "You are close to Thor," she seemed unhappy at that fact. "He will come to save you. And then," she said breathing raggedly. "He'll be mine." Anselma frowned at her. "You're insane." She said leaning back away from the sorceress. Amora grinned wickedly. "You have no idea." She purred, running a finger gently through Anselma's blood. She put it to her mouth and licked it off. Anselma gave a scoff of disgust. Amora hummed in thought. "Tastes familiar." She murmured.

She turned her attention back to Anselma and sighed. She scowled at Anselma's defiant expression. She straddled Anselma and pulled out a wicked looking dagger. "I will make you scream." She promised dragging the blade around Anselma's lips. "Good luck with that." She hissed.

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