You Are Harry Potter

Start from the beginning

Ginny leant in close to Ron and whispered, ‘I didn’t need a speech. She could’ve just told me to leave him alone right now!’

Ron grunted and turned back to his bacon.

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Harry circled the lake for the third time in the past hour. He hadn’t meant to be short with his friends but Malfoy was really getting to him. And then there was the added pressure on him to be powerful and of course, to eventually defeat Voldemort. It was a lot to take in for a seventeen year old orphan who had lived nine years of his life completely in the dark about magic and about his parents. His evil uncle and his not-so-evil aunt treated him like shit and he was bullied by his overlarge cousin. 

But all in all, he turned out to be pretty normal and he arrived at Hogwarts, innocent and ready to learn. But since that moment he walked through the large wooden doors, his life changed drastically. He was no longer the equivalent of a piece of dirt that his ‘family’ could not rub off, but he was a celebrity. Everywhere he went people pointed and shook his hand. It was all so strange. 

Then, in his second year, he discovered that he could speak Parseltongue and that most of the school suspected him as the heir of Slytherin. But he proved them wrong and he defeated Voldemort for the third time in his short life. 

In third year, he found his godfather, a convicted (yet innocent) murderer and met his fathers other two best friends, Remus Lupin (a teaching werewolf) and Peter Pettigrew (a supposedly dead rat and a traitor).

Then in his fourth year, he was unwillingly entered into a deathly competition and witnessed the ‘rebirth’ of Lord Voldemort. Then he watched as the man who killed his parents, kill his school mate, Cedric Diggory. Then, he found out that the DADA teacher was really an impostor who was Voldemort’s most faithful servant. 

In his OWL year, Harry struggled to come to terms with the fact that he shared a bond with Voldemort, but the band had saved lives, and lost them.

Harry witnessed the injury of Arthur Weasley and had it not been for him, Mr Weasley would be dead. But Voldemort also fooled Harry into thinking that he had Sirius and Harry rushed to his rescue. Voldemort then sent his death eaters to kill Harry and five other classmates. They all survived long enough for Sirius to arrive with backup. Then Harry watched with Remus Lupin as Sirius’ cousin, Bellatrix killed him. That was Harry's most painful memory. 

Then, last year, Voldemort placed an attack on Hogwarts, killing a large percentage of the students, but Harry was able to fight him off as Dumbledore and the teachers fought the death eaters. Voldemort taunted Harry, showed him images of his parents death and their mangled bodies. Yet Harry defeated him by showing him the image of the baby boy who stripped him of his powers. Voldemort fled when he saw all his death eaters had been captured with Minerva McGonagall guarding them. Harry escaped once more.

That was Harry's life story. Escaping from the clutches of evil Lord Voldemort no less than six times! It sounded like a fairy tale, but it was very much real. 

Harry also knew that the final battle between good and evil would come soon enough; it would probably be before he left school, Dumbledore had told him.

But now Harry was sitting in The Hideaway, walking around it, looking at all the etched messages in the trees, written to him from his dad and godfather. Harry missed Sirius so much it was unbelievable, but he was grateful for Remus and Tonks, who were excellent. Harry prayed everyday that Sirius was not dead, every night before falling asleep he would lie awake and pray that behind that veil, Sirius had not met his death, but was merely biding his time, waiting for the ministry to realise that he was there…OR SOMETHING!

Harry Potter and the Year of Surprises by erinpotterWhere stories live. Discover now