the signs in gym class

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Aries:Aggressively throwing dodgeballs; ends up knocking Pisces's glasses off their face

Taurus:Completely drenched in sweat, after they do the most

Gemini:Tackles Capricorn unexpectedly and almost kills both of them

Cancer:Sitting in the corner with Virgo, pretending to participate but really just giving Virgo relationship advice

Leo:Trying to outgym everyone in every single activity

Virgo:Pouring their heart out to Cancer and not giving a damn about gym

Libra: Halfheartedly participating; roasting their classmates

Scorpio:Talking to the teacher the entire period so they have an excuse to not participate and still get credit

Sagittarius:Throws a baseball at Aries's head and gives them a dirty look while they escort Pisces to the nurse

Capricorn:Reading a book; gets knocked over by Gemini

Aquarius:Hiding in the locker room; eating humus
Pisces:"Ow! My nose!" *tries not to cry*

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