the signs as friends

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aries:the generally easy-going friend who accidentally gets into fights with people you hate and actually makes everything worse for everyone

taurus:the super calm and romantic friend who gives the best relationship advice but never follows her own advice

gemini:the really funny and crazy friend who is secretly really good at calculus or something

cancer:the friend who always offers her shoulder to cry on and gets really offended and defensive whenever someone doesn't accept her support

leo:the loud and bubbly friend who snapchats EVERYTHING and starts even more drama than aries does

virgo:the mom friend who brings snacks and gets super nervous and mean whenever someone does anything illegal

libra:the friend who is, like, in every single friend group somehow and, because of that, always has the best gossip

scorpio:the really loyal friend who gets really offended when you're too busy to go to her house to chill with her

sagittarius:the crazy friend who mysteriously disappears during sleepovers and wanders back the next morning really stoned

capricorn:the friend who kills when you all play video games and actually remembers when someone owes her money

aquarius:the wild friend who has all the craziest plans and ideas and brings all the drugs to parties

pisces:the friend who does the best sharpie tattoos on everyone and gets the craziest hair styles done

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