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Chloe's POV
I walked back to my dorm, at 8:00pm, I promised Aubrey a girly night, so that means a lot of gossip, see what's she been up to, I guess I won't be able to tell her about beca and how I feel, I don't even know how I feel, so it's probably a smart idea to keep my mouth shut.
I walked into the room to see Aubrey lay on her bed, just her underwear, this wasn't any difference, I've known her that long that I've seen her baud ally naked a lot, she had a pair of ear phones in listening to music. Obviously, being me, I jumped on top of the blonde cause her to scream in shock, I returned with laughter falling off her bed causing the blonde to laugh just as hard,
"Chloe oh my gosh!" Aubrey could just about say catching her breath, I picked my self back up and made my self comfy sitting on top of Aubrey, she shook her head but smiled,
"Aubrey?" I asked
"Yeah Chloe?"
"Listen I love you loads yeah? But if I tell you something please don't hate me?" I gulped, I promised my self I shouldn't tell her this, but that just slipped out my mouth, I had to tell her now,
"I won't red"
"I have very strong feelings for someone.." I whispered, she looked at me, "oh no not you" I reassured her, she nodded and sat up properly with me still sat on her,
"Who is is chlo?"
"It's um beca" I replied, she lowered her head and nodded,
"I see" is all she said, tears built up in my eyes thinking that Aubrey had second thoughts about me, she didn't know I liked girls as well as boys, so I guess this is a shock,
"So your a lesbian?" She said still not lifting her head,
"Nope, I'm bisexual" I said as cheery as I could,
"How come the alt girl chlo? I thought you would have gone a bit more classy, maybe even stacie, but why beca? What makes her so special?" As soon as that was said, a tear dropped on to Aubrey and I was just wiping them away as quick as I could,
"Because I took down her built up walls, it took a while, but I got in, I got to know her, she's amazing inside and out, she's perfect Aubrey, she's so kind, she's so loving and cute, she's always making sure I'm okay, she's always making me laugh and smile, and I never knew what true love was until I found beca, and beca shown me many things in the world,many things I didn't know about, and with that she shown e her true self, and she learnt what I like, who I am, and she accepts me for me,mines never lied to me, never failed to make me upset, and I love her so much Aubrey!" I spoke in a strong tone, Aubrey nodded and hugged me,
"Alright Chloe, I'll give the girl a chance, does she know all this?"
"No" Aubrey looked confused, "we did have sex though" I said quickly, she got a huge grin in her face,
"Damn Beale, getting in there already?" She said winking,
"Yeah I guess?" I said. Me and Aubrey ended up watching the breakfast club, all of the toy stories and some weird film that I can't remember the name of, once all the films were finished it was like 4am, so I thought I should go sleep, so I stud up off aubreys bed, only to be pulled back down.
"Not a chance Beale, you promised me the night" she said smiling, we both was tired so I was alright with it, I sat back down and looked straight at Aubrey,
"Whatcha thinkin of?" I asked suspiciously, she zoned back in only to say nothing, "tell me bree" I said again,
"Oh just about you and beca, you know what go for it, I'll give her a shot, just for you red, but if she hurts you, I'll kill her with my own bare hands okay?" She hissed some what nicely through her teeth, I nodded,
"She won't hurt me bree but okay" I said in agreement, I knew beca meant no harm to anyone, and that's why I loved her, if she hurt someone she would make it up to them, and make it right.
"You know Jesse right?" I asked
"Ugh yes, he's a little creepy why?"
"Just he works with beca at the radio station and I'm scared what's gonna happen"
"Chloe you two aren't a thing, so she can still do what ever she likes remember?"
"What?! No no I don't mean like that bree" I said letting a chuckle out, nervously I lowered my head kneeing I shouldn't say anything but bree will get it out of me now..
"Alright Chloe, what's happened with beca and Swanson?"
"Eh nothing"
"That's bullshit now tell me"
"No, no, it's nothing Aubrey"
"Yes it clearly is, your scared and worried for beca being around that Jesse kid, now tell me what the fuck has happened!"
"Please don't tell her you know! She doesn't wanna mKe a big deal out of it Okay?"
"Okay I promise I won't say anything to anyone"
"Jesse forced her to have sex with him" I said letting out a tear, Aubrey wiped it away
"What a bastard I knew he was creepy, is she okay??"
"Well she seems it, she said she doesn't wanna make a big deal out of it cause it can't be changed but she did have cuts on her leg after it..."
"Oh god" I nodded, and just cuddled up to Aubrey and eventually fell asleep on her while she played with my hair.

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