I wish i told her

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Chloe POV
My 4th year in Bardan university and I'm 22 years old, some what scary if I'm bein honest, I should be graduating with Aubrey this year but I might just go another year, make sure I know why I want to do when I leave, you know? Be sure on my life before I move on.. Plus I haven't don't enough experimenting in here... I've focused on mainly my studying and parties... But nothin big really. We're at the activist fair, and me and Aubrey stood by ye Bardan Bellas stall handing out letters to people who we would like to join the Bellas... I really hope we get someone good who I can have as another really good friend like Aubrey... If I'm honest Aubrey is my only friend, I just don't do good around people, plus Aubrey has been with me since middle school, so she knows what I'm really like, no one sticks around long enough to know if thy want to be my fiend so I jut stay locked up....
After about an hour of standing at the Bellas stall I see a girl, her figure is perfectly skinny, she's small, she has quiet long mousey brown hair that falls to her boobs, with some messy curls that are loosely falling, she has dark blue eyes, dark eyeliner and dark eyeshadow, this made her eyes stand out god they are beautiful, she has a lot of eye piercings... They made her look dark and mysterious, that's hot was sexy, she had a red vest top on with some sort of sleeveless jacket on and some black headset placed around her neck did I mention she has a lot of cleavage? Dayum... Oh and she wearing black skinny jeans with doc martens I think they are... I seriously must be dreaming or something, this little perfection of a creature came walking up to me, "why are you starring at me?" She says sweetly, I blushed as I snapped back into reality, "oh u, uh uh, I uh I'm sorry I erm didn't mean to, I didn't realise" I rambled on, she let out a soft laugh, "I know I sexy and all but just come speak to me instead of looking like a stalker" she said laughing and swaying her body swiftly. "Oh haha.. I'm Chloe, Chloe Beale" I said handing my Hand out to shake hers, "little posh one here aye?" She said grabbing my hand to shake back, I blushed once again, "your cheeks are gonna match your hair at this point Beale" she said again winking, "anyway.. I'm beca, beca Mitchell" she finally said, "sweet nice name beca" I said, she winked at me "I may have a nice name but your ginger so your the real winner her babe" she said making me blush once again, "I'm sorry i can't carry the conversation going I'm so awkward oh my god" I said putting my head in my hands. "Don't sorry about it, uh come to my room tonight about 7? It's room 132 the south entrance... My room mate said she's out late tonight, please come round if you want?" She said with a big smile on her face, I nodded "of course I will beca" I said, she gave me one final nod then went to leave " wait beca. Would you like to join the Bellas?" I asked, "I'll think about it..." She said walking off.
I turned to face Aubrey, she was clearly listening the whole time "someone has a toner" Aubrey said pulling me in for a hug, "no bree... I'm straight" I said, even though in my mind I know it wasn't just didn't want to admit it.. "Oh come on chlo, I've been your best friend for many years, I know your a lesbian" she said with a cheeky grin on her face, "ugh no in not Aubrey" I said crossing my arms across my chest. Aubrey shrugged and began to walk me back to our dorm, I sat on my bed looking down at my legs, letting out heavy breaths slowly. "What's up kid?" Aubrey asked placing her self next to me, I shook my head, I felt Aubrey wrap her arm around me gently and I let out a little sigh, "I don't even love tom... He clearly is just usin me for sex" I blurted out, "why suddenly saying that??" Aubrey asked, "because I'm gay" I said lowering my head, ugh I didn't even want to admit it, I knew I was gay though, "what do you mean tom uses you for sex? How often do you have sex?" Aubrey asked, "pretty muh every time we see each other.." I said quietly, "dump his arse" Aubrey said getting a little angry, "hey no need for any drama at the start if the year?" I said, Aubrey agreed sort of.. "Listen I'm going to go see beca anyway... I'll be in my way, if you need me just call me alright?" I said standing up, Aubrey stood up as well and hugged me, "alright be safe kiddo, love you" she said kissing my forehead, "love you too bree" I said walking out the door.


This is the first chapter nothing really special in it but hope you enjoyed it!

I Wish She Knewजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें