Becas dorm

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I knocked on Becas dorm door hoping it was the right door, "come in" a soft voice shouted, by that I knew it was the right room, I saw beca sitting at her desk with a big computer screen, a piano, a laptop and some Dj things which I hve no idea what they are, also on the walls here records and posting of DJs... Guessing this girl wants to be a DJ? "Hey" I said breaking the silence, "oh Chloe it's you, sorry I didn't see what time it was, oh god I look a mess!" She blurted out, I giggled, she looked beautiful, she was in yoga pants and oversized hoodie, "no you don't look a mess you look great" I said lowering my head with a little smile on my face, I could tell beca was blushing at this point, "so how come you asked me to come round" I asked awkwardly, "I just thought maybe we could get to know each other?" She replied, I nodded in agreement, "come over here let me show you something" she said, I walked oer to her at er desk and he grabbed a headset and put it on me, it's a mash up of titanium and turn up the music... This is amazing... She has a real talent here, I can see Becas lips moving as if she is singing but I can't hear her cause of the headset, I take the head set off and with that beca stops singing, I heard the last note that's all. "Can you sing?" I asked, "no" she answers quickly, "that means you can sing!" I said with a big grin on my, she just looked at me then looked away, I suddenly got the best idea. I started to sing titanium, she looked back at me blushing, she joined in proper getting in to it with me, we stopped singing and just looked at each other smiling, "you can sing beca!" I yelled, "gosh calm down Beale" she said laughing, "please join the Bellas we need you in the Bellas beca!" I said, "ugh fine on one condition though!" She replied, I gave her a confused look, "I get a hug off you right now" she said blushing, I didn't have to think twice about my answer, I opened my arms for the little one to wrap her self around me and I close my arms over her, her head just about was able to rest on my shoulder, she burried her head into my neck though, and I rested my head some what on her head. Her arms wrapped around my waist holding me close against her, it all felt like a dream, It felt amazing... My body getting warm, butterflies where ever her body was against me, I felt something soft against my neck for a second, "do you kiss my neck?" I asked softly, I felt her nod slightly, she moved out of the hug and stared at me, "20 questions?" She said giggling, "sure lets do it," I replied, we sat down on her bed facing each other, we played this game for a god damn long time. It was great though, we really opened up to each other, "sexuality?" I asked, beca shrugged, "you can tell me I don't judge I promise" I said reassuring her, "I don't really know what I am, bisexual most probably... I'm having thoughts that I'm a lesbian though..." She said getting a worried look in her face, I smiled at her "hey listen it's alright yeah? I'm bisexual as well" I said, her face then lit up, "now I know that it hopefully won't be awkward to tell you how beautiful you are right?" She said which made me blush, "well yeah it is... Cause your only talking about your self tere mitchell" I said bopping her nose, she blushed a lot that she had to turn away from me, she faced away from me awkwardly, so I moved my self closer to her, pushing my arms under her arms and wrapping then around her, she looked back at me and smiled, she leaned back in to my body, "what's your Deepest darkest secret? That NOBODY knows" she asked me... As soon as she said that a tear rolled down my face because of the memories it brought back, "you don't have to tell me beautiful, I'm here if you need someone though okay?!" She said kissing my check the best she could because of the position she was lay in, "I tried to kill my self 8 months ago" I blurted out. Beca sat up and pulled me up with her, we stepped off her bed and I kept my head down, "why did you do that?" She said carefully, "I uh I lost my brother in a car crash we was in, and I wa in too much shock I ran out the car and fell to the floor and hoped he would get out him self but he died, it's my fault e died because I ran off and don't save my own little brother" I said with tears streaming down my face, beca tried to wipe my tears away but it was pointless, "it is not your fault okay? You got out of the car for your safety, you didn't know if he was gonna survive or not, your alive okay? Your safe now, your brother is still with you in your heart and memory, don't blame your self please" she said starting to cry, I shook my head and stared in to her eyes, beca grabbed my hands and kept looking from my lips to my eyes, did she want to kiss me? I hope she does, wait what? I don't like beca like that surely not! Oh my god, he lips were on mine, they were so soft, they fit perfectly with mine, our lips were going for it but was soft at the same time, like idont know but it was amazing I wish this never stops! Beca pulled away and rested her forehead on mine, yes she was on her toes to do this, "in 3 second jump okay?" I said, she did so and I grabbed her air so she ha to put her legs around my waist so I was carrying her, she was so flipping light! "I'm sorry about kissing you!" She blurted out, "no please don't be sorry... I wanted it" I admitted, she blushed when I said that, "well um your also my first kiss chloe" she aslo admitted, "me? Really? No! Your 18 and literally drop dead gorgeous! How have you only just got your first kiss!" I said, "I blok everyone out, I couldn't with you though, I leaned back in to her to kiss her, we made out for like 5 mins untill someone walked in to the room, "why the hell is this" a deep male voice said.

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