Captivation Introduction/sample

Start from the beginning

"Considering you've taken inventory of my social status, sweetheart, I'm sure you know that." He drawled calmly as relying on years of practice he moved her toward the dancing crowd before she even realized it was happening. The crowd around her began to murmur, but Caitlin didn't catch much of it as she and Jared moved purposefully toward the dance floor. Until a few moments ago Jared doubted he'd have paid much attention to this hothouse flower. He wasn't the type to get involved with the happy ever after type of woman, and this woman practically oozed happy ever after. She would probably faint at the prospect of a passion filled one-night stand. Or huff indignantly as the very mention of such an offer.

"Inventory?" Caitlin stumbled as his words registered. Jared reached for her arm to steady her. Ok, so, maybe playing with wolves was not all it was cut out to be. But, for most of her life she tended to be approached by safe men. And she didn't really have much of a choice when it came to turning them down. First it wasn't in her nature and second, she had her father's reputation to consider. So she was usually polite, and as a consequence, often forced into rather tedious company. It was just a shame her personality screamed out for a partner with oomph!

The man walking beside her was anything but safe. Nothing like tedious. He was the kind of man she had fantasies about, someone who knew their mind and didn't allow her father's standing in the community to influence their actions. The man who escorted her toward the dance floor was a law unto himself. She knew that. She'd heard enough about him to know that he took little notice of protocol and even less of status. She'd seen enough him in these settings and knew he didn't give a toss about appearances. He was never short of female company. Never short of company full stop. But she was surprised to find that she had registered on his radar.

She knew he had a reputation with women. A man who knew what he wanted and usually got it. Not surprising then that he had a well earned reputation as a ladies man. Though how much of it was wishful thinking on the part of the women and how much of it was true, Caitlin had no idea. But she knew for a fact that she wasn't the only woman who had looked at him and thought about what it would be like to be held in his arms. And now she was going to find out. Christmas had definitely come early. She was close to doing a jig on the spot as happiness enveloped her.

Or so she thought, until he said, "You've been asking after me." It was the frost that accompanied the words that made her realize that he wasn't happy about that situation. He kept his hand on her elbow and steered her past the edge of the crowded dance floor. Caitlin glanced around her as they made their way past the crowded dance floor. Puzzlement was slowly turning into wary discomfiture. Didn't look like he had any intention of dancing with her, if he did, why were they walking past the dance floor? And did she really want to go anywhere private with this man? Given his reputation, and given her reputation? A wolf and a spaniel. Not the best fit.

"I have?" Caitlin thought about what he'd just said. Had she been asking about him? When? She replayed various conversations, and couldn't for the life of her imagine when she had asked after him. She may well have thought about it, contemplated playing with fire, but she was far too circumspect to ask about him, let alone put any of her thoughts into action. That would be tantamount to suggesting she was seriously interested, and that in turn would make others believe that she was imminently to marry. None of which was the case. And the chances of this man even contemplating pursuing her was the stuff of fiction.

"Really." He mimicked as he slid an arm behind her, and placed his hand in the small of her back. Jared usually avoided women of her ilk. Too much hassle. Too much commitment. Too much of everything. He was fairly sure that they would most likely faint if he propositioned them. The fact he'd asked this one to dance was not due to a change in his mind, but a need to set her record straight. She, or rather her father, was well known in the community, and when word circulated this evening, that she was interested in Jared, most of the other women backed off.

Caitlin frowned as she thought about it again, then she glanced at him and said, "I don't recall...."

"You aren't checking me out?" He didn't stop to take her into his arms when they reached the very edge of the dance floor, instead with the palm of his hand he steered her toward one of the open doorways. With little fuss he maneuvered her into stepping out into the corridor. Though she hesitated, Caitlin didn't object. Clearly he had something on his mind, and he wanted a private word. But that didn't mean she had to go quietly. Oh, well, she acknowledged, there went the fantasy about finally being held in his arms. And really that was too bad. One little dance, not much to ask for. She hated the sudden sense of loss, of what may have been. Maybe they'd head back in, a few moments from now, and she'd get that moment of fantasy. Fat chance. Then his words registered. She was checking him out? When?

"What for?" That probably sounded ruder than she had hoped, but his statements were baffling her. Why would she be checking him out? She rarely bought into the impossible, and this man was way beyond her possibility league. She wasn't sure who would be more shocked, her father, her sister, or the man currently escorting her past the dance floor, if she ever went after this wolf.

"You tell me." Jared ushered them a long the verandah, moving away from the hall. "What do you have in mind?" His palm remained in the small of her back as he guided their progress. There was a certain surety to his actions. And she quite liked the way his palm rested briefly on the hollow in her back, just above the curve of her bottom. Just having that light touch was enough to have her heart racing. The confidence in that simple gesture was enough to have her fantasizing again. This was a man who knew what he wanted. How did one get on his wish list?

"Me?" She snorted inelegantly as she turned and glanced at him. "I don't have you in mind for anything." Well perhaps that wasn't strictly true. She did have him in mind for lots of things, but doubted she'd ever have the opportunity to turn that into reality. And she doubted she'd ever have the courage to ask him to turn it into reality. And plus, if he did, she'd probably run a mile. Caitlin wasn't stupid. Getting involved with this man would be like attempting to tame a wolf.

"Sex." Jared murmured against her ear. Caitlin stumbled, arched against his arm and glared at him. Well this wasn't what she was expecting. But at least she wasn't bored any more. Though, she wasn't sure this was better than being bored. He seemed to be taking an inordinate delight in riling her, winding her up by highlighting her naivety. She didn't know him well enough to know whether he was teasing or whether he was being deliberately blunt and consequently obnoxious.

"Would you mind if we went back in?" Caitlin decided that enough was enough. Either he was completely off his tree, or she was caught in some sort of time warp. The man just didn't make sense. And she had no intention of stepping out of public sight, with a mad man. Not even a dangerously good looking mad man was worth that risk.

"Yes." Jared struggled to keep a straight face. She was so transparent. And it was too late to start panicking now, he was tempted to tell her. She'd allowed him to bring her here. She couldn't be that naïve, that trusting. That sweet!

"Yes?" Her eyes flashed at him. That wasn't the response she expected. Perhaps she shouldn't have phrased her question as question. She should have made it a demand. That's what came from being too polite. And it showed the difference between the two of them. He probably didn't even know how to spell polite let alone know what it meant.

His lips quirked in response. Strangely enough Jared was enjoying baiting her. She was so responsive and transparent, her eyes gave her thoughts away almost as soon as she'd thought them. Of course he'd spent several minutes watching her before he approached her. She seemed to have a bubbly personality, very affable, very socially aware, slightly standoffish with some of the women, but generally sociable. He had waited, wondered how to approach her to warn her off, and then decided to go for blunt just in case she was poor at reading subtle messages.

But he hadn't expected it to be quite so much fun. She was so wonderfully naive. Every emotion that she felt was mirrored in her eyes. Beautiful eyes he thought as he watched hers which continued to spark. She had eyes so dark it was difficult to distinguish her pupils from her iris. And yet, it was clear to read every thought that flashed through her mind. And she was so easily teased. He grinned. Her responses seemed candid, almost automatic and so wonderfully honest. Most of the women he knew had learnt to pretend. And most of them assumed they had to pretend to be something they thought he wanted. But the woman beside him didn't appear to have a clue about pretending. And strangely enough, he found that endearing. It was rare to find a woman who wore her emotions on her sleeve. Rarer still for him to be interested.

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