Drama Drama Drama

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Defender and the former Captain Goodfellow stagger into Shadow Keep. Both are bloodied and show signs of battle. They collapse in front of the Dark Lady. She eyes the two of them with noted disdain.

"What is this? Two badly beaten dogs come to beg for their wretched, pathetic lives?"

Defender looks up, his face still reddened from Blaise's flames. "Mercy, Dark Lady. The runes... they call to us. Command us to come to you; command us to submit to your mighty will."

"Silence," she hisses and stings him with a backhand. "You will speak only when commanded to in my presence. Do you dogs understand?"

Both men nod meekly and whisper that they do.

"Then stand and visit the mud room. You both require healing before we whip you into shape. You can't be so easily defeated if you hope to be champions of the Dark Army."


Orville swoops down from the sky as Blaise and company land in the palace square.

"Is Tess alright? Did Scarlett get her to a healer in time?"

The funny flying man looks confused. "Scarlett? Who's that? I found Tess lying on a rooftop. I took her to the healer hut myself. I was hoping you could tell me how in the frozen hells she got up there - or back here for that matter!"

Apparently Scarlett wasn't making herself known yet. Blaise decides not to out her.

"No time for that. Is she well? Will she be OK? She was wounded fighting off the possessed champions of Thunderfall."

"Possessed? Yes, she's in bad shape, but she will recover," Orville murmurs. His eyes fall on his sister and the woman in her arms next. "Is that..." he trails off.

Blaise nods and motions to Titanika to follow him. "Give my best to Tess," Blaise calls as they walk off in the distance. "I'm glad she's going to be OK. She's a very brave woman, Orville."

Celestia stirs and moans softly as Titanika continues to carry her. "What are going to do with her, Bee?" she asks.

He ponders her question. What should they do with her. By her own admission, she took part in the destruction of Thunderfall and the murder of many of it's people. Should she be put to death for her crimes? Or was she truly under Morrow's spell the entire time and therefore can not be held responsible for her actions?

Blaise gives a long sigh. "I'm not sure yet." He abruptly turns up a street and cuts Titanika off.

"Hey, the healing hut is this way. Are you lost?" she asks.

He shakes his head. "We're not going to the healing hut. I know a faster way."

"What do you mean?" she asks as she follows him. "Are we going to my place for some reason? I'm not sure how much longer Celestia can hold on in her present condition without her rune ring."

He nods without turning around. "Yes, we are going to your place. It's the closest spot."

Titanika leaps ahead of him and cuts him off. "Hey, talk to me here. Why are we going to my place instead of the healing hut? Are you just going to wait for her to die or something?"

Blaise shakes his head. "No, quite the opposite actually. We're all going to take a nap together."


Chronicles enters the healing hut. The aged healers nod and bow as she walks past them. Searching through several of the rooms, she finally finds what she's looking for.

Father Atmos sits in a wicker chair, wrapped with a large blanket. He is still pale, but life has definitely returned to the old sage. Orville stands over Tess and gently strokes her short hair.

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