She didn't belong here. Why was she even brought here by a grandmother she never knew and expectations she would never fulfil. Suddenly feeling lacking and inadequate, the full blunt force of it, all Oriane wanted then was to hide up in her room with Toffee cradled to her chest. Her sweet toffee coloured cat felt like the only constant in her life.

Marian saw that there was no way she could cheer her up so she let go of her hand and sat back. Sighing loudly. The corner of her spectacles and pentagram pendant gleamed golden from the ceiling lights.

Oriane didn't want her new friend to feel like she couldn't help her. She appreciated her effort but no words could have eased the discomfiture flooding her mind and heart. Because – what if she stayed inadequately mortal?The impression that the Chancellor had made on her first day made her wonder at the consequences. 

They couldn't possibly send her back to London now, could they? That might make her a liability to the immortals and the magickal world they inhabit. If she couldn't besent back, they wouldn't... Another shiver rocked her. She didn't want to die yet.

At sixteen, she was young and inexperienced. There were plenty of things that she hadn't done,hadn't put her mind to. What if she got into an accident here at the college? This place, she came to the conclusion, was a dangerous arena without some way to protect and defend herself. A far cry from the serenity of the Catholic private school she attended before. For one, even if the girls then there were a tad mean, they wouldn't attempt at really causing damage. Secondly, no one was equipped with their own brand of a weapon. Oriane shook her head in dismay. She was defenceless and without talent. That made her very uncomfortable. She should have stayed in London. Gone into hiding with her savings or something.

It didn't take Charlotte long to bring over the trays of food. In her arms was a ridiculously large bowl sitting atop a tray. It was piled with pizzas and pastas so on. Floating at her side were four water bottles. They danced in the air.

Of course, Charlotte had a water affinity. Even so, it still looked bloody incredible to Oriane's eyes; though, she was probably the only one in the dining hall who paid attention to it.

As a matter of fact, now that Oriane stepped a little outside of her internal bubble and looked around, the dining hall was already three quarters empty. One of the tables was occupied by Elle and her group of friends. However,no signs of the werewolves from this afternoon. Oriane then wondered why the vampires never showed when there were still others within the hall. They ate later then? Not that it's any of her business. She just wanted to speak with Carolina the receptionist.

Charlotte carefully set the food down on the table and took her seat. From her pocket, she produced a couple pieces of fruits and candy bars. "I got some of these for Jessica, in case she got kinda hungry later on."

"Yeah," approved Marian with a nod. She crossed her arms around her waist. "Hey, you know, it's really weird that Jessica suddenly got all sick and stuff.What's up with that?"

Charlotte shrugged, "No clue. Cramps, maybe?" She distributed some white ceramic plates between them and tossed up the pasta in the bowl with a blue-coloured clamp. "We can ask her after dinner."


They picked up their slices of pizza and spooned up a bit of pasta. Charlotte and Marian seemed ravenous, short of wolfing down their food in one big gulp.They didn't, obviously. Quietly working their way into each lump and scrap. 

Oriane looked down at her own small portion of the meal and wondered they stayed so fit.

Tonight they were having Margherita and Meat-Lover pizza, along with a healthy lot of bolognese pasta. Oriane stuck to the cheese pizza and only tossed one spoonful of spaghetti for herself. That and she ate slowly compared to her companions.

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