"Sorry to keep you waiting Vergo." Caesar says and I sense Luffy glaring at him. "Monet prepare the transmission. Vergo I wish you had better control over your subordinates. When Smoker showed up I almost had a heart attack."

"That man is a wild beast." Vergo says sipping some tea and Caesar walks towards the cage.

"At least it's all behind us now and Law." Caesar looks at Law and lets out a little laugh. "How the mighty have fallen. It appears my contract with you came in handy in the end. I knew it was never wise to trust people and you can only blame yourself for this. Your heart is currently in the hands of Vergo here." Caesar let's out another laugh and Vergo squeezes Law's heart. Law screams in pain and Caesar speaks again. "I had Monet follow you in a different form but I doubt you noticed."

"I should've been more wary of her but I didn't expect her to be so sharp since her master's such a dim-wit." Law says and Caesar snatches his heart before squeezing it.

"I'm wondering what you did with my heart now." Tashigi says but I know that it's actually Smoker in there. Luffy looks at Law in worry and then he looks at Caesar in anger.

"I don't recognize one of the people in here. Actually they look partially similar to someone I knew years ago." Caesar says and I sense he's talking about me. I try not to tense up even more but I'm finding it really difficult. It's hard to not tense up when you're in the same room as one of the men who ruined your life.

"He tried to break them out so we took him down and threw him in there with the others. The transmission is ready Master." Monet says and I feel Caesar's eyes burn onto my back.

"Pull that one out." Caesar says and I let out a curse knowing he meant me. "I want to get a close look at him." I feel myself being dragged along the floor and I soon find myself outside of the cage propped up against the bars. I sense everyone in the cage staring at my back in surprise since the scratches are almost completely gone. Caesar brings his face closer to mine and I glare at him.

"Hey gas freak leave him alone." Luffy yells from inside the cage and I hear him struggling with his chains before he stops. I'm pretty sure the chains sapped his strength.

"Shut up Monkey." Caesar says glaring at Luffy before turning back to me and he stares intently at my face again. Suddenly he flips me over so I'm lying on the ground on my stomach. He pulls up my left pant leg and I hear him let out a little chuckle. "Well well I didn't expect to find my favourite experiment back here of all places." He says and I start running processes through my head on what I should do.

"Oh screw this shit." I say before smashing Caesar in the face with my foot and flipping away from him. I throw the chains off of me and get ready in a fighting position.

"Girly you should consider what you're gonna do next wisely since I could easily kill these people and if I remember correctly you didn't like bloodshed." Caesar says with an evil smirk on his face and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You're gonna regret threatening my friends." I say with a deadly aura surrounding me. The aura has about half the deadliness that the one I had at Marinford did but it was still more than a normal person would have.

"Shit don't go snapping or else you'll blow us all to kingdom come and we kinda need Caesar." Luffy yells at me and I send him a glare.

"Don't worry no one's getting blown to kingdom come and I'll leave Caesar alive... barely." I growl out before facing Caesar again. "You should know what it means to piss me off dipshit. You've seen the aftermath with your own eyes and you've also heard the stories." I say cracking my knuckles and I see Caesar gulp. I feel something click onto my wrist and I spot a set of Sea Stone cuffs.

"Shuroro now you can't do anything." Caesar says laughing and I look at him with an amused look on my face.

"Seriously you think these will help you?" I ask Caesar as I raise my wrist up that has the cuffs on.

"Um yeah you are a Devil Fruit user." Caesar says confused.

"You really are a dim-wit like Law said. You should already know the outcome of this." I say while I grab the cuffs and apply a tremendous force to them. My fingers create holes in the Sea Stone and a second later the whole cuff shatters. I look at the others and see them all staring at me with their jaws on the ground.

"Yahoo now get me out of here as well." Luffy yells from where he's located inside the cage and I let out a sigh before jumping inside the cage.

"Give me a second you damn brat." I say and suddenly the cage starts moving. I put my arms out to steady myself and suddenly I'm on the floor with my arms cuffed behind my back. I let out a growl as I sense Monet move out of the cage.

"Shurorororo those should hold you for a bit and you shouldn't have done that. I hate to kill off you but it's the only thing I can do. Have fun with the swarm of poisonous gas that's coming this way." Caesar says pointing towards a screen and I spot Brook, Nami well actually Sanji, Kinemon, and Zoro are running away from the gas. I roll my eyes at Caesar's stupidity but I feel worry for those four. A cold breeze whips past my face and the cage finally stops moving; looks like the cage was moved outside.

"Captain Tashigi, Vice Admiral Smoker you're okay." I hear some men yell and I notice that Tashigi becomes stiff.

"This is a well-built facility." Franky says and I look at him.

"Vegapunk designed it and it's been built structurally solid. It's mainly built from cement and rebar. All the doors are made of iron ten feet thick and they have the latest security system." I say and everyone looks at me in surprise.

"How do you know that and I'd like to know how you're alive?" Smoker says and I look over at him.

"I've been here before and I'm weird. Anyway Smoker you have an amazing subordinate and you should try to keep her." I say and Tashigi looks at me confused.

"Why are you saying that?" Tashigi asks.

"Tashigi realized who I am already and it's only been a couple of minutes." I say.

"Who are we talking about and who are you?" Tashigi says and I sense Luffy open his mouth.

"If you say anything you're going for a swim and that isn't important at the moment." I send a glare at Luffy and he quickly shuts his mouth.

"Anyway it's time to strike back. Can anyone in here light fires? If there isn't that's fine..." Law asks and Luffy looks at me and then Franky.

"We have two people here who can actually." Luffy says and I kick Luffy in the head.

"You want Franky." I say and Law turns his attention to Franky.

Author's Note

Sorry for not updating sooner and stuff. Please don't shoot me. So anyway I'm still writing this but at the moment I don't have much inspiration so sorry if some of the chapters aren't the best. I've been having other ideas that I'm working on but I've gotta see how far my brain can spin the story and stuff before deciding whether to post it or not. That plus I might make another story of this. Not like a spin off or anything but like the same underlines and stuff but different plots cause when I started writing this I had so many different scenarios that were running through my head for each arc. I had difficulties deciding what ones to put in and then there are ones that I like more then what I actually have published but they wouldn't work with how I wrote the arc before and after that.

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