" I got you babe." He whispers pecking my forehead and I look at him in awe . Zayn has to face the irrelevant wrath of my brother because of me yet he is comforting me handling the situation with subtleness , not showing any sign of indignation.

"What the fuck is going on ? Niall why the hell were you behaving like a twat with Zayn on stage ? Zaynie boy what is going on between you and Miss Sassy ? Can anybody fucking answer ?" Louis bellows.

" I would be delighted in enlightening you , Lou." Niall says in an eerie voice getting up from his seat and pacing across the room.

"The fuck that's going on is that Zayn is fucking playing games with my naïve sister. You disgust me Zayn , couldn't you find another chick to aimlessly fuck around with ? You freaking trapped her with your charm and sooner or later you will break her heart ? You should've known that my sister was off-limits , you bastard." Niall says seething in rage.

I am appalled by Niall's abusive language and cold demeanor towards Zayn but it baffles me to know that he is portraying Zayn as a heartless player and me as his new playtoy. His accusations are baseless , irrelevant fuelled with his anger and prejudiced assumptions.

" Ni , let me explain. You are misconstruing my relationship with Allana." Zayn begins to be interrupted with Niall raising his hand.

" Your drama skills won't be working on me Malik . Allana maybe imbecile to fall for your words but I certainly will not." Niall tells him in a condescending tone.

"Seriously Zayn , you could've screwed any girl and you chose Niall's sister ? What is wrong with you ?" Louis says sharply and his words pierce me like needles.

Zayn clenches his jaw , breathing heavily , " Watch your fucking mouth Tomlinson when you talk about my girlfriend. I will not tolerate anybody disrespecting Allana." His hazel eyes are turning a darker shade of brown and I can literally feel his body trembling with fury.

Clasping my hand on his wrist eventually I intertwine our fingers .His tense posture visibly relaxes at my touch and out of the corner of my eye I see Harry giving me a thumbs up.

" Well congratulations Allana , you have managed to do something nobody has been able to do in the past five years." Eleanor says clapping her hands. I give her a confused expression and she shoots me a sarcastic smile. " C'mon don't act so innocent , not after the antics you have performed. You must be very talented since you have been able to get these brothers fight against each other. Never did I think I would witness these lads yelling at each other."

Tears sting my eyes at Eleanor's bitchy comments , realizing my discomfort Zayn embraces me , " Sshh you are strong baby. Don't let her vile comments get to you." I nod my head , readying myself to retaliate to her but Harry beats me to it.

" And never did I think I would witness a day when you would stop uttering bullshit El." Harry tells her evasively.

Liam snorts at Harry's words and Sophia quickly hushes him.

" Harold don't misbehave with my girl." Louis says gritting his teeth.

"Then you better learn to put your girl on a leash. She is adding fuel to the fire and hurling unwarranted accusations at Allana." Zayn says defensively.

" Don't bloody sass me Zayn . Your girl is the reason why our performance could've been ruined today. She is the reason why Niall is after your throat ? She is the very fucking reason you and me are arguing . Can't you see your relationship with her is not good for the band ?" Louis states.

" The band comprises of me and Harry as well Lou , and we beg to differ with your opinion. Firstly our performance today was entertaining and the fans thoroughly enjoyed it . A few glitches occur in every concert and if a few glitches happened in today's show it is nothing but natural , I'd reckon you stop using that futile excuse for blaming Allana. Secondly Niall being Allana's brother is bound to go all hulk on her dating Zayn. That's exactly how every brother's DNA is designed , to fathom any boy who fancies his sister. It's between him and Zayn , let them sort it out .So again , you got no relevant point there in blaming Allana. Thirdly you are arguing with Zayn because you spoke rude words pertaining to Allana and just like you cannot tolerate Haz being mean to El despite her being at fault , how do you expect Zayn to not defend his lovely lady. Lastly are you high Louis ? I am asking you this question because Zayn's relationship with Allana is not a threat to the band rather she has been a positive influence in his life. Are you blind Lou ? Can't you not see how happy Zayn has been over the past 3 months ? She is the reason for his happiness." Liam concludes his small speech with a smug expression on his face.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now