Dear You

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You closed your eyes and tensed up, waiting for the pain. It didn't come. Instead, you felt someone push you to the ground. You felt something wet drop on your cheek. You opened your eyes in surprise and found yourself staring up at a familiar face. His pink hair fell forward over his face, a gentle smile on his lips. His eyes bore a bittersweet look as he hovered above you. You felt another heavy drop fall onto you. You looked down and saw you were covered in red. Your eyes widened at the sight of all the blood. It wasn't yours, you were sure of that- you didn't feel any pain. It couldn't have been Yuki's. You looked at Yun's chest, and there it was; a small, crimson-red hole leaking visceral fluid. You felt tears surface to your (e/c) orbs.
"Yun...Yun!" you cried out, pushing yourself up and throwing your figure onto him in a hug. You were careful to avoid his injury. Surprised at your sudden clinging, Yun faltered a bit, falling forward. You rolled over and gently laid him on the ground.
Remembering Yuki, you snapped your head up angrily. "I bet you wished for this to happen..." you snarled at her, rage flashing in your optics. You saw her eyes well up with tears, and she let out a small wail as the realization of what she had done set in. Before you could react, she frantically sped off, the thick fog enveloping her. Coward.
You were about to get up and chase after her when you felt Yun softly lay a hand over yours.
"(Y/n), I don't think I'm going to make it much longer. I know it's selfish of me, but if you don't mind, I'd like you to be here with me till the end..." his voice was soft and faint.
"Don't even say that!" you cried out, tears rolling down your face. "You're going to make it out of this! You're going to live! I...I don't want you to die!"
You started to tear up your clothes, applying the cloths to the open wound. They were soaked through immediately with a liberal amount of blood.
Yun smiled in appreciation at your effort to help him. "Thank you, (y/n), but I'll be fine with dying if I just know that you'll miss me, or at least remember me..."
"Of course I will! I'd never forget you!"
"Even after seeing how horrible I am?"
"Obviously! It's not your fault! Anyone would have problems after being what you've been through, Yun! I just wish you would have told me earlier...I said such terrible things to you!"
"Don't worry about it, (y/n), I understand..." he said, raising a hand to your cheek. You clasped your fingers atop his as you stared down into his caring, gentle pinky-red orbs.
"How strange..." Yun whispered with a small laugh.
"What is?!"
"Last the last world...when Akise had stabbed you, we were in a similar situation...only, you were the one dying..."
Your eyes brimmed with tears again before spilling onto your cheeks. "Yun..." you choked out, gently embracing him again.
There was a small silence, broken by Yun's quiet voice. "(Y/n), I just want to let you know before I'm gone, you really mean everything to me...back then, when you and I first talked after Yuki rejected me, you showed me something I hadn't felt in years...kindness...happiness...what having someone genuinely caring for you feels like. I...needed that. I needed your happiness in my life...I need you."
You heard his breathing grow more ragged as he talked. You buried your face into his shoulder, trying to smother the sound of your sobs. Suddenly, Yun pulled you away from him, and he looked into your eyes once more.
"Don't cry, (y/n)..." he whispered sweetly, brushing the tears from your eyes with his soft fingers.
You tried to sniff the rest of the tears back, wiping any last salty drops away from your face.
"(Y/n), if I could just ask one last thing...I...I'd like to see your smile one last time before I go..."
You inhaled slowly, trying to stop yourself from crying again. You exhaled, and then there it was; that brilliant smile, the one that could break through any darkness and cheer up even the saddest soul.
"That's my (y/n)..." breathed out Yun. He leaned forward and planted his lips onto yours, his final show of affection.
He laid back down. You scooted forward and propped his head up onto your lap. You laced your fingers together with his, squeezing it gently.

"(Y/n)...Thank you...thank you for finding me, for reminding me who I really am, that I'm even human. I love you."

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