The Lost Boy Behind it All

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 You dragged yourself into the classroom and slumped into your seat. Classes hadn't even started and anything that could go wrong went wrong.
When you had walked onto the school-grounds, everyone was staring and you, whispering and gossiping. Just what you needed. Afterwards, you realized that there had been no talk or news of Akise's disappearance. This had struck you as very unnatural at first until you realized that it was going to be quite some time before anyone noticed his absence; as far as you could tell he had no close relatives to speak of, and it wasn't like he showed up to school very often, and as such, most people probably didn't even acknowledge his existence. Now you felt even more guilty. Fantastic.
"Good morning, (y/n)!" said an all-too familiar voice, happy as ever. You turned your head to the right to see your friendly neighborhood psychopath smiling sweetly in your face.
"Good morning, Yun." you said stiffly, looking away with a glare. You had barely gotten a wink of sleep last night- paranoia of Yun watching you had kept you up for most of the time, and when you did finally manage to get to sleep nightmares shocked you awake once more. Wash, rinse, repeat- that had been your night. To put it simply- you were exhausted. Now, mind you, there is a distinct difference between being sleepy and being exhausted. 'Sleepy' refers to being lightly drowsy; a feeling where you may just want to go lay down and take a nap. 'Exhausted' is the feeling where you want to punch anyone who talks to you in the face and go to sleep for 10 years afterwards.
"Do you want anything?" you asked curtly, a bit irked at Yun's general presence so close to you.
"Mhm! I wanted to talk to my cute little (y/n). Did you sleep well?"
"No, actually." you snapped, rolling your eyes.
"That's too bad...I hope you sleep better tonight, then!" the pinkette chimed.
Yun's happy facade wasn't improving your mood. You were considering telling him to leave you alone when the bell for first period to start rang.
"Talk to you later, (y/n)!" said Yun, giving you a peck on the cheek before going over to his desk in the front.

First period went faster than expected; this may or may not have been due to you dozing off once or twice. You walked over to your locker to get your books out for next class. Just before you closed it, you saw something glint from the back of the cramped space. Curious, you reached back and your hand latched onto a small, rectangular object. You pulled back and realized it was...a phone? It certainly wasn't yours, you knew that much. You flipped it open. The phone was open to what appeared to be something of a diary, or a wall of text of sorts. You looked at the title. "To you."Surprised, you started reading.

"To (y/n). I'm assuming that if you're reading this I didn't come back alive from my little escapade to Yun's house; that's a bit of a shame."

You realized that this must be Akise's phone, and that he had left it behind for you. You felt an invisible weight drop your heart, a guilty feeling lurking through your brain. Your knew that it wasn't your fault that Akise was...gone, but you still felt your conscience scolding you. You sighed and kept reading.

"I hope you've been well, although given the situation I have my doubts that you are. Enough with my trivial talk, however; there is a reason I left this message for you. I did some digging about Yun's past to get a better idea of him, and hopefully to clear up any last questions you may have about him, so here goes."

"Yun grew up with foster parents, he was adopted when he was fairly young- I couldn't find anything about his original parents, unfortunately. Everything was going well for several years until money started to grow sparse in the family. His father began to stay at work all day long, and into the late hours of the night, virtually excluding himself from the rest of his family. Yun's mother didn't handle this well; she began abusing Yun."

Your eyes widened in horror, but you felt impelled to keep reading; you needed to know more about your mystery-cloaked lover...

"She eventually began locking him in a cage, usually with nothing to eat for days; Yun often had to live off of ingesting edible objects, rather than the alternative of starving to death. Yun's father didn't agree with his wife's treatment of their adoptive child, but he made no effort to stop it."

You suddenly felt something you never thought you could feel for the pink-haired beast who had ruined your life. You felt...compassion. Pity, sympathy, sorrow. To think someone could treat a child -much less their own- that way was simply sickening.

"One day, Yun couldn't handle it anymore; he snapped. He managed to lock his parents in the cage and ended up neglecting them, and so they eventually died of starvation. He refused to accept their death and pretended they were still alive, talking to them and telling them about his day at school like any normal child. Yun must have disposed of them in this world after he created it, hence the lack of their corpses."

You felt sick to your stomach as you finished the tragic backstory of Yun. No wonder he acts the way he does...
You were about to close the phone when you realized there was another small paragraph at the bottom.

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