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   Classes went at their usual grueling pace, and by the time lunch rolled around you were starving. You reached into your bag and pulled out the lunch you had made for Yun. You shuffled a few loose papers and books looking for your own lunch, until it dawned on you. Your mom made your lunch every morning. You had gotten up before your mom. You had no lunch. You slapped a hand to your forehead and felt like screaming. After you managed to calm yourself down, you realized Yun was probably waiting for you on the rooftop, so you picked up the onigiri you had made and headed over to him.
When you reached the roof, Yun turned to you, his magenta-like eyes lighting up at the sight of your gorgeous visage, your sleek (h/c) hair perfectly framing it. He noticed you only had one box.
"O-oh, did you forget about making me a lunch, (y/n)?" his eyes lost some of their shine and he looked a bit disappointed.
"N-no! Not at all Yun! This is actually for you..." you explained how you had ended up bringing only one lunch to school, your cheeks flushing with growing embarrassment. When you finished explaining your dilemma, Yun's eyes lit up once more and he let out a laugh with his sweet, airy voice.
"Ah, (y/n), that sounds just like you!" he said, smiling.
Your face grew even redder and you looked away.
"H-here. Take it." you murmured shyly, holding the lunch out to Yun.
He grinned, his eyes filled with happiness. He gently took the box from you and pulled you in for a hug. Your (e/c) orbs widened with surprise, and despite your being flustered, a small smile curled it's way onto your lips.
"(Y/n) looks so cute when she's embarrassed..." whispered Yun.
You thought you were going to faint. You could feel the heat radiating off your face. He had called you cute! As the two of you pulled out of the hug, Yun's eyes met yours. For the second time that day, you had that...sensation. The sensation of being lost in his eyes, that the surrounding universe was suddenly so small and insignificant, that time itself existed for this one moment only. After what was eternity in a moment, Yun finally looked away to the lunch you had made.
"I'm so happy you made this for me! But, there's no way I could eat this, not when you don't have anything..."
"Oh, no it's fine really! Go ahead and eat," you reassured him. Suddenly, your stomach growled. To be honest, it was more like a roar. Okay, you were admittedly pretty dang hungry.
"Well, maybe we could share it?" you suggested. The two of you laughed in chorus and sat down to start eating.
"Wow, (y/n), these are really yummy!" Yun said, taking a bite out of one of the onigiri.
"It's not like they're that hard to make," you replied with a small laugh.
"It doesn't change the fact that they taste good! I bet they're so good because (y/n) made them." he said with a smile.
"Yeah, whatever!" you replied, giving him a playful shove. The two of you were soon lightheartedly discussing what had happened that day so far and laughing about it.
How did Yun know my number? Suddenly the daunting question pushed aside the rest of your thoughts and demanded your attention. Sensing your uneasiness, Yun looked to you with a concerned expression.
"Is something wrong, (y/n)?" Yun said, popping the last portion of the final rice ball in his mouth.
"Oh, i-it's nothing really, Yun, I've just been wondering..." you started.

Don't ask him!

I have to know!

Your thoughts flew through a turmoil, arguing with each other.
"About what?" Yun asked.
It was too late to reason whether or not you should be asking him.
"It's just, well, when I asked if you wanted my number yesterday, you said you already had it...I mean, it's not a huge deal or anything, but how did you..." you stopped. Yun's expression had darkened and the light had drained from his eyes.
"Do you need to know?" his voice was venomous, dark and threatening, a complete flip from his usual airy, light tone.
"N-no, I mean, as I said, it's not that big of a deal..." you tried to maintain a calm composure while, internally, you felt the chaos of your fear.
"I didn't think so." Yun stood up, his garnet eyes filled with a toxic look. "(Y/n), everybody has secrets they'd like to keep. This is one of mine. So, you can just forget about that. You can do that for me, right? Right, (Y/n)?" His voice hit on the verges of madness.
"O-of course, Yun..." You couldn't think of anything else to say. No, that wasn't right. You were afraid, afraid to say anything else, afraid of angering him. So you left it simply at that.
Suddenly, the unnerving aura surrounding him seemed to dispel, his ruddy-colored opticals shone, and he returned to his usual cheery disposition.
"I'm so happy! I knew I could count on (y/n) for anything!" his voice was joyous as ever, yet the last words struck a wrong note with you. You were left speechless, unsure of how to react. The bell rang.
"Ah, (y/n), we'd better get back to class! See you later!" said Yun, flashing you his perfect, innocent smile and heading through the rooftop door. It slammed shut after him.
All that had just happened seemed surreal. A dream. No, that wasn't the right word- a nightmare.

Had that really just happened?

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