"Safe" at Home

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After what seemed like forever -in reality, it was only about 10 minutes- you managed to find your way back to town, the local park specifically. You rushed into a nearby public restroom and slammed the door behind you, locking it. For a moment, you simply stared around the interior of the one-room building, panting from your long run. The walls, which at one point had been white, were now a grimy gray color, and were layered with graffiti from sharpies.You had always wondered who took the time to write their ramblings on the walls of bathrooms, or who would even bring a marker with them to the restroom. A toilet sat in the corner which was in a dire need of a clean. You shook your head in disgust and turned toward the sink, a dinky, dirty mirror hanging above it. You switched on the rusted tap and grabbed a paper towel, soaking it in the lukewarm water, and wiped down the mirror to get a look at yourself. Somehow you had managed to avoid getting blood on you. Akise's blood. You recalled all that had happened only minutes beforehand, how the shiny metal had ripped and parted through his neck, the horrified look in his eye before he took his last breath.
That was it. You couldn't handle it anymore; a lump formed in your throat until...you burst out crying. It wasn't just gentle weeping; it was the loud, screamy-sobby type of crying, like someone had just been murdered- which, infact, they had. Hot tears rolled down your soft cheeks as soon as they formed in your (e/c) eyes, slipping down into the sink below. You slowly sank to the ground, hugging your knees to your chest, not heeding the musty, moldy floor. Your sobs slowly faded, dying down into small hics and sniffles. You rubbed the last of your tears away from your orbs and steadied your breathing just as you felt your phone buzz. You reached into your pocket and went to your inbox.

"Hey, sweetie! Is everything alright? It's getting late!"

"No, Mom, it isn't. I got kidnapped by my boyfriend and he murdered the person who saved me. He's also apparently God and created this entire freaking dimension."

...Is what you wanted to say. Instead, you texted her another white lie.

"Yup! Everything's fine, sorry for being home late. I lost one of my shoes at my friend's house and we spent forever looking for it, until we realized it was just under her bed. Sorry if I worried you at all- I'll be home soon!"

"Ah, okay then! See you then! <3"

You sighed and put down your phone. You let out a groan as you weighed out your options. Great. Now what? If I go outside or go home, Yun will probably be there...
You suddenly felt a spark of boldness run through your blood, the sudden dash of bravery inspiring your thoughts.

"Who cares if he's there? What's the worst that's going to happen?"

"Alot. Alot, actually," answered back your sense of reasoning.

"Well it's going to be all hell if you don't get home soon. Mom is going to flip!"

"Fair enough."

You stood up, brushing some dirt off your sleeve. You can do this. You unlocked the door and stepped out, looking around. No Yun to be seen. Good.
The walk home was quite pleasant, all in all. The sun peeked out from the clouds, sending its rays hither and thither, streaking the scenery with hints and dashes of gold. There is something very odd about sunshine; it seems to add a slice happiness to even the most glum of days. You walked with a slight skip in your step, despite the horrors haunting your life. You realized as you neared your house that Yun lived in the opposite direction of you, quite far out. You recalled what he had said to you soon after you two had become acquainted.

"Hey, (y/n), why don't we walk home together? I live out in the same direction as you."

Just recalling how innocent he had seemed at the time sent a shiver down your spine. You snapped out of your mental recounting and put on a smile as you opened the front door.
"I'm home!" you called.
"There you are, honey!" you heard, just before your mother popped out from seemingly nowhere and practically glomped you.
"M-Mom..." you sputtered out as she squeezed you.
"Sorry, sorry! I'm just so happy to see you home safe and sound," the bubbly woman said, releasing you.
"Oh, but what's this?" she said, pointing to a small red stain on your shirt.
Shit. I guess I did get some blood on me. What do I say?!
"Oh, this? I got a bloody nose this morning, nothing major- just a few drips. Guess one got away before I got a tissue," you fibbed with a nervous chuckle.
"Ah, well then, I understand. Well, I bet you're hungry for some dinner!" Mom said cheerily.
It was as this moment you realized you were positively starving. I don't even remember the last time I had a full meal...
"You bet I am!" you said with a laugh.
"Good, because I just finished making tonight's meal. Let's go eat!"
You both went to the dining room and sat down, laughing and talking like any other day. For this moment in time, you could forget about your problems; forget all the blood that had been spilled for you, forget the fact that the world as you knew it was a lie, and above all, forget Yun.
"Thanks for dinner! Delicious as always." you said with a grin as you jumped up from your chair.
Your mother simply smiled back. "Yup. Also, don't you have homework to do?"
"Ah, you're right! See you later, Mom!" you said as you ran upstairs and into your room. You reached to turn the lock on the doorknob, but you realized the lock was completely busted from Yun's surprise 'visit'. You felt fear begin to leak into you like sand in an hourglass at the thought of him, but you tried to remain calm. It's not like he'd try to show up anytime soon, it was late and Mom was home...right?
You were scribbling away at math problems when you heard your phone vibrate. You looked over at it in surprise and checked it out.

"Hey, (y/n), how's math going? Do you need any help? I'd just love to be there with you, you know..."

You paled, breaking into a cold sweat. You set down your homework and looked around the room. How on earth did he know I was-

"Are you looking for me now? You look really cute when you're afraid...but don't worry! I'll always protect you! I could never hurt my sweet little (y/n)~"

Figuring Yun could hear you, you decided to speak aloud.
"What the hell do you want?"

"(Y/n), that wasn't very nice...you should be kinder to people who care about you, especially ones who have the key to your house..."

You stiffened. Is he threatening me?!
"How on earth did you even get that?!"

"I stole one of yours and got a copy made of it, of course! You're so silly, (y/n). I'd do anything for the person I love!"

Your breathing started to shake.
"Yun, please, just leave me alone..."
Completely changing the subject, he replied,

"You know, (y/n), you look so adorable wearing my clothes! They're so big on you they make you look even tinier compared to me. I wish I could just take you away right now...I want your cuteness to be saved for me, and me only!"

"Then why aren't you?! You seemed perfectly fine doing it last time!" you retorted angrily, your (e/c) orbs glistening with distraught.

"I would, (y/n)! But, you see, your mom is really nice too. I'd have to kill her if I took you away right now, otherwise she might cause us trouble, and I don't want to have to end her unless I must. Don't worry, (y/n)! You're still my number one, and I'd kill anyone to have us be together, so if she tries to get in the way I'll make sure she won't interfere with our love!"

You blinked back tears as you finished reading Yun's message.
"Yun, please,go away...we can talk at school tomorrow, okay?"

"Ehh? But that's no fun, I want to talk to (y/n) right now. But if that's what she really wants, you know what you have to say before I leave you."

"I-I," Your throat tightened as you tried to spit out the words. Three simple words that even the smallest child would know. Your body seemed to convulse against them.
You tried to start again, but your throat closed shut and a vile taste filled your mouth, refusing to let you say the simple phrase. You took a moment to calm down, breathing in slowly.

"I love you."

"Good! I love you too, (y/n)! Sleep well, and talk to you tomorrow. <3"

You shuddered as you sat down on your bed, trying to shake back any sobs. Why does this all have to happen to me?

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