Perhaps a Misunderstanding

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The following classes after lunch went by in a blur; you can't even remember what the teachers talked about- your confused thoughts were occupying your mind and blocking out everything else. After the school day ended, you quickly grabbed your bag and dashed out of the classroom, not wanting to see Yun.
You didn't stop running until you had stepped into the safety of your home. As you were starting up the stairs to your bedroom your mom stopped you.
"Hey sweetie! How was school?"
"It was fine, Mom," you said, flashing her a reassuring smile.
"Is everything alright?" your mother asked in a concerned tone.
"Yeah, everything's great." you assured her, turning away.
"If you say so," she said, a hint of suspicion in her voice. Lightening up, she said, "Well, if anything is ever wrong, you know I'm always here to help you and support you!"
"Yeah, thanks, Mom." you said with a smile. You headed up the stairway and went into your room, closing the door shut behind you.
You set down your backpack and collapsed onto your bed. Today had been...weird, to say the least. All that worrying had made you tired. You felt sleep tugging at your eyelids. Finally you gave in, allowing yourself to fall into the dream world.
You awoke several hours later to the sound of your phone buzzing. You groggily turned your head and rubbed your eye. You picked up your phone; it was a text from Yun.

"Hey, are you alright? I'm sorry about what happened earlier today...let's just try to put that behind us, okay? I hope I didn't scare (y/n) >_<;..."

You thought for a moment. You realized his actions today could have had a number of reasons to cause them. You knew nothing of his past, or of his home life. Eventually, you came to the conclusion that maybe he was just having a rough day, and that he had snapped at you unintentionally. You looked back to your phone and started texting back.

"I'm fine, thanks! Don't worry about it- I understand."

You received a reply back within a matter of seconds.

"Oh, good! I'm glad. I was afraid you wouldn't want to talk to me after today."

You were happy that he valued you so much as a friend.

"Don't be silly, Yun! I'd never leave you, as long as you still wanted me around."

"That makes me really happy to hear, (y/n). Let's be together forever then!"

You smiled at his sweet response.


You set your phone down and pulled today's homework out of your backpack. You scribbled away at your assignments, but your thoughts were elsewhere. I'm glad Yun and I are still friends. I wonder what he's doing right now... You gazed thoughtfully out the window. It was dark out; the pale moonlight bathed the world with a strange, pearly-white color. It was quite beautiful, like something right out of a painting.You heard a knock at your bedroom door, shaking you from your thoughts.
"Dinner's on the table!"
"Okay, be there in a minute." you said. You got up and passed one quick glance out your window again. You could have sworn you saw a figure in your yard with a familiar set of glinting, magenta eyes, but when you blinked again, it was gone. It had just been your imagination.


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