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 You slammed your hand down on the alarm shocking you out of your sleep. You had already hit snooze the first time- you really had to get up this time. You finished your morning routine, as always, and head downstairs.
You were up later than normal. You hadn't slept well; thoughts about yesterday's happenings had kept invading your dreams and waking you with a start. You were greeted at the table with a smile from your mom and a plate of waffles awaiting you at your seat.
"'Morning," you said, pulling up a seat.
"Good morning! Someone's tired," your mother replied cheerily.
"Uh-huh," you said with a nod, yawning.
"Look's like I know what you need!" Mom said, pouring you out a cup of coffee.
"Thanks," you said, gulping it down. The sugar-loaded drink contained all the caffeine you could need for the day.
"You're not too talkative today. Is something wrong?" your mom asked, a bit of worry in her eyes.
You hesitated for a minute. Should I really tell her all that's been happening...?
You opened your mouth to speak but shut it. Something tugged at your mind, warning you. Maybe I shouldn't...
"It's nothing, Mom! I'm just tired, that's all." you said, forcing a smile to your lips.
She looked a bit disappointed at your words.
"(Y/n), you're my daughter. You should know by know that lying to me isn't going to work,"
You bit your lip. For some odd reason, you just couldn't bring yourself to tell her about the situation between you and your current...'boyfriend'.
Suddenly she smiled at you. "Well, I don't want to force you to talk about it if you're not comfortable with it. When you're ready to talk, though, I'm all ears!"
"Thanks, Mom..." you said, relieved she wasn't pushing you to talk.
She winked at you and smiled as she cleared your empty plate out from under you.
"You should probably get going to school soon, it's late."
"Yeah, you're right," you said, going into the kitchen to get your lunch. Shoot, I didn't make Yun a lunch... you thought, a tinge of fear creeping into your mind. I hope he won't be angry...
"Don't worry, I gotcha covered." you heard. You spun around to see your mom holding another bento out to you.
"Oh! Thank you so much Mom! I was worried there for a minute!" you said, pulling her in for a hug.
"Yup! That's what I'm here for," she said with a smile. "Now go out there and have a great day, honey!"
"I will! Well, I'm off!" you said, slinging your bag over your shoulder as you headed out the door. You turned around to close it shut behind you.
"You're later than usual, (y/n)..." you heard a voice purr, merely inches from your ear.
"Y-Yun!" you practically shrieked. Why the hell is he here?!
"So, shall we be headed to school?" he asked as you turned to face him. His voice was as sweet as honey, his face alighted with an innocent, amiable smile.
"Yeah..." you replied quietly, feeling a bit tense.
If Yun sensed your anxiety he acted completely oblivious to it.
"So, what's for lunch today?" he asked cheerily.
"I don't know, my mom made it today." you replied, your (e/c) optics focused on the ground, avoiding Yun's gaze. Despite the gentle, genuine look in his reddish orbs, you felt the demon caged behind them, waiting, watching...
"Eh? That's too bad...lunch always tastes better when (y/n) makes it..." he muttered. You couldn't tell if he was talking to himself or addressing you.
A long, heavy silence followed. You couldn't think of anything to say- or rather, you didn't want to say anything. You didn't feel the connection between you and Yun anymore; his presence made you on edge, afraid. Your feelings for him felt fuddled. Did you still love him? You couldn't tell...
As Yun and you stepped onto the school grounds, you noticed everyone was avoiding you two. Girls gathered in small groups, whispering and gossiping together. From what you could hear, apparently word about what had happened yesterday had gotten out. Great...just what I need to start out the day.

You grabbed your book-bag and started out the classroom door. Thank God school was over- today had been far from 'great'. The whole day, Yun hadn't allowed you to go anywhere without him; when you had finally questioned him about it, he had simply said something about...protecting you. Protecting me from what?! It's not like a group of girls are randomly going to walk up to me and start a fight out in the open in the middle of a school-day...sheesh!
Lunchtime had been just as bad; you had sat in silence picking at your food while Yun tried to start conversation. You had almost let out a sigh of relief when you had to go back to class- now that was a first.
"Wait for me, (y/n)!" you heard from behind. You didn't have to look to know who it was.
"I almost thought you were trying to leave without me," Yun said with a smile, intertwining his fingers with yours. His words sounded almost threatening.
"Of course not," you sighed, looking away. It's not like you'd let me anyway.
"Hey, (y/n), you should smile more! You're acting so depressed today, it's worrying me..." Yun said, concern filtering into his pinky-red eyes.
You couldn't take it anymore.
"Well maybe if you didn't act like such a creep nowadays watching my every goddamn move I'd be fine!" you snapped, finally bringing your anger-filled (e/c) eyes to meet Yun's. His eyes widened in surprise.
"You know what, Yun? I shouldn't have even gotten tangled up with you in the first place; I should have known something was wrong when a boy I've hardly ever talked to randomly starts chatting to me with no explanation whatsoever. I'm done!" you cried. His gripped tightened significantly on your hand, but you didn't care. Fueled by rage, you managed to rip your hand from his grasp. You took off running down the hall, not knowing or caring where you were headed.
Yun simply stood there, watching you as you disappeared out of sight. His face slowly grew out of his shocked expression and into an empty one; eyes dark with a hollow, vacant, look.

"You shouldn't have done that, (y/n)..."

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