Chapter one- Long road ahead

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Chapter one- Long road ahead (unedited)

Cecilia POV

It's hard being blind, especially seeing as everyone seems to pity me. I don't want pity in fact I can't stand it.

I might not have my eye sight but that doesn't mean that I can't do things for myself. I want to live my life in a way that's normal to me.

Seeing as I just turned eighteen, the orphanage can't let me stay here any longer because they can't afford it.

Lucky I have saved my birthday money and money that I have made doing the odd jobs from here and there.

So I should be able to stay in a hotel for a couple of days until I can find myself a job and afford a place to stay.

Feeling for the handle of my duffle bag I picked it up being thankful that it wasn't to heavy so that I didn't end up hurting myself.

Running my hand through my curly hair that untrainable no matter what I tried to do it.

Making my way though the house to wear the voices of my family that I have had for the last eighteen years.

It's going to be hard to say good bye to them.

"Ahh Cecilia child, I am so sorry that we can not keep you, but I have made you dinner and sent word to the hotel in town, they we'll be expecting you." Lucy said and I could hear the tears in her voice.

She tried everything in her power for me to stay but they wouldn't allow her. Saying that she didn't do her job and that she should have been able to find me a home.

I'm going to miss her motherly sent that smells like roses, and it's not over bearing like some peoples.

"Sally I will be fine, don't worry about me and I'll come and visit you when I can." I replied. I need to leave, I can't stand to hear the sadness in her voice or her trying to cry silently.

"I can't help but be worried about you my garden fairy." She hasn't called me that in years. Not since I was little and use to cry because of the other kids picking on me because of my lack of sight.

I got them back though.

Without saying another word I gave Sally what I thought would be a sweet smile before I pushed my stick out in front of me.

Ready for my new journey and what it might bring. I am excited but also a little worried of what shell come.

I wish I thought to bring water, because town is a lot further away then I remember but then again last time I came to town it wasn't on foot.

Curse my stupidity! I have always expected the unexpected, but I guess I was just to upset today.

My arms are so sore from pushing my cane back and forth for the last couple of hours, and from carting my bag maybe I should stop on the somewhere, then continue my journey.

I shrugged feeling disappointed, I have a feeling that I won't be making it to the hotel tell late tonight and that's when all the bad people will be out.

I have heard stories about what goes on in town at night time. And it brings shivers down my spine.

Sitting down in the grass, I felt for the snack bag Sally gave me and started feeling the contents in side.

I felt what seems to be  choc chip cookies and a sandwich but there is also something that feels like steal with a lid on top.

I realised that it must be a flask. How sweet of Sally to pack me that, I thought before taking a drink and realising that it was her famous green cordial.

I couldn't help but laugh, I was never really aloud green cordial because it made me go so hypo.

Once I finished my peanut butter sandwich and a couple of the cookies I continued on my way.

I just hope that I am going the right way it's so different on foot, but it's nice to feel the sun on my skin.

Feeling bored I decided to dance, I need something to keep me busy seeing as I have no one to talk to.

"Hmm hmm" I hummed along until I heard voices and doors opening and shutting.

Now that I am in the middle of town I need to find the hotel because I can tell that the sun has just went down because I can't feel it  on my skin anymore.

Walking towards where I hear voice, that don't sound drunk and I can't smell alcohol on them. I think that they well be alright people to ask.

"Excuse me sir I was wondering if you could lead me to the hotel, as I am unable to find it." I asked politely hopefully I am looking in his direction and not into thin air. 

"Sure madam this way" the older man of the the too said politely, I could tell he was trying to quickly lead me away. Why though?

That's right take that handy cap and run away old man he yelled. I could smell the alcohol in the air. Maybe he was hiding the smell?

I have never not been able to smell or sense when someone is drunk. Why now? I couldn't help but feel Un easy.

If I can't use my heighten senses such as hearing,  smelling, touch and taste to defend myself. Then this journey is going to be harder then I thought.

"Here you go madam, my wife Marlene has been expecting ya, so if you just wait here at the counter she will be here in a moment." He said before I heard his foot steps along the floor boards.

He must be going to get his wife. I lighting ran my hand across the counter once I put my bag down.

Hearing footsteps approach, ones that were much lighter then the man that lead me here. I presume that it must be the gentleman's wife.

"Hello darling you must be horribly tired, let me show you to you room so you can have a nice hot bath and I'll bring you some supper up" Marlene said before lighting taking me by the hand and leading me down the hall way.

Doesn't she want payment first? And I can sense that she is a lovely lady form her voice. And her hands tell me that she is around fifty years old and that she's a hard worker.

"Excuse me mam but don't I need to pay for my room first?" I inquired not wanting her to think that I was expecting to stay here for free.

"Oh honey we can organise that tomorrow! Sandy is my best friend and I want you to settle in" she chirped before I heard her walking away.

Looks like I am going to have to figure out the surroundings of the room myself. I couldn't help but shrug.

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