Chapter 13 - Best Of Luck Bud

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I heard angry footsteps coming from behind me. I picked up my pace knowing it was Dimitri. Dimitri soon caught up to me and grabbed my arm roughly, pulling me back into him. "What the hell is wrong with you? What the fuck was that for?" He hissed and I angrily shook myself out of his arms, glaring up at him.

The only reason I glared at him was because I honestly didn't have an answer for him. What was I supposed to say? That I didn't like it when he kissed Shauna but I didn't like him either so it made no sense for me to be angry. Yeah, I wasn't going to say that. "Well?" He asked impatiently.

I sighed, lowering my eyes in defeat. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I'm just being stupid. I'm sorry." I said quietly. Dimitri stayed quiet for a few long seconds before slowly letting go of my arm.

"Did you come to eat ice cream with me?" He asked and I nodded my head.

I looked up at him and noticed his eyes already locked onto my face. "But then you were with Shauna." I said. "Dimitri, why don't you just let me and all the girls go? Please Dimitri! You hate me anyways and I hate you, so why bother keeping someone you hate? And as for the other girls, what are you gaining? In fact, what do you gain from killing all those people?"

"I gain satisfaction." He replied coldly causing me to shiver.

"Satisfaction for what?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Please don't ask that." He said looking away from me. A distant, almost sad look stretched across his face before a deep scowl set in. It didn't seem like he enjoyed killing very much. Then why'd he do it?

"Fine, I won't. But please think about letting us all go. We're miserable here! At least I know I am. I've been separated from all the people I dearly love. Just imagine how it would feel for you if you were separated from your family. Your mom and dad would be worried sick-" He put his hand up, silencing me.

"That's enough. I get it. But I can't let you go. Ever. You're staying here, whether you like it or not." He emotionlessly spoke.

I nodded my head, accepting my defeat once more. I tried not to let the sadness show out on my face but I'm sure it still seeped through. "Thank you anyways." I said, my voice barely audible. I didn't even know why I was thanking him, just that it seemed appropriate.

I turned to walk away when Dimitri grabbed my arm, stopping me in my tracks. I turned my head to look at him. "I'm sorry, Isabella." He said and I nodded my head, walking away. I could feel his gaze on me the whole time as I walked down the hallway.

As I turned right, I bumped hard into someone. I looked up and it was Stark. "Sorry." I mumbled before I made it to side step him.

"Wait." He said as he grabbed onto my arm to stop me. "Can you please help me with Shauna? I know you already denied me but please! I really like her." He said and I rolled my eyes. Of course everyone would go after her, even knowing she wasn't someone you get into relationships with. But whatever, I'd help him. It'll hopefully get my mind off of my parents and wanting to go home. "Fine." I said and he fist-pumped in happiness. "I really don't like her, so this might be very hard."

"As long as it'll eventually happen, I'm okay with it." He said and I rolled my eyes again.

"I wish you the best of luck bud. Believe me, you're going to need it." I said before walking away, not bothering to wait for a response from him.

I walked down the hallway to my bedroom. Once I reached it, I heard whimpering. I quickly walked inside to find Thomas sitting in a corner crying. "Thomas!" I exclaimed when I noticed a bright red mark on his cheek. "What happened?" I asked gathering him into my arms.

The Demon King (The Demon King, #1) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now